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CT4-V CT4V BW Seats Peeling

Cadillac CT4-V model


New Member
Jan 10, 2025
Columbus, OH
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
CT4-V Blackwing
Hello from Columbus, OH. I recently picked up a 2023 CT4V Blackwing in Electric Blue. First post here but have been lingering for about a year during my search for my car.

I was able to find a well taken care of care but there is one flaw that I am curious if anyone else is having an issue with. Also, if you have had this problem have you had any luck getting it replaced under warranty? I could see Cadillac fighting this as it is a "wear item". See photo for reference of the leather peeling.

Thank you for your insight!

Gross. Dude before you might have been larger framed and took work to push themselves out.
I have a small spot on my BW5 on the piping where it has delaminated. The spot is only about 2.5mm so I've left it alone for now. I've considered using a toothpick with a dab of superglue to apply and hope it stuck.
That's going to be tough for a warranty claim on a used car. A dealer would have to be super sympathetic. Previous owner could have caused the damage like @1Evil55 said.
Maybe the PO carried a phone or something on his belt? He was fastest in the west on drawing his phone from his belt, yup, 'ol iPhone McGillacuddy...

As a tangent, you can clearly see why some of us don't buy into the "leather conditioning" product fallacy. All that stuff does is make the coating extra shiny and slippery.
Like the others, I'm guessing that was owned by a big ol boy. How one gets in and out of a seat really affects longevity, in my opinion. Given where the wear is, could also be that he carried on that side, and part of his rig was rubbing on the seat. Nonetheless, I don't see this as a warranty issue.
Maybe the PO carried a phone or something on his belt? He was fastest in the west on drawing his phone from his belt, yup, 'ol iPhone McGillacuddy...

As a tangent, you can clearly see why some of us don't buy into the "leather conditioning" product fallacy. All that stuff does is make the coating extra shiny and slippery.
That slippery characteristic might have helped in this situation.

As for wear and tear on seats, I'm about 165 dressed. In every car I've ever owned the seats look brand new still at the end of my ownership. I've always been conscientious, maybe anal to some, how I enter and exit along with what is in my pockets or belt clips or whatever. No crunched corners, scratched leather, tears, etc.
I had similar wear on my 09 V (although not as bad). I'm thin but what was causing it was my work badge. I would clip the holder on my belt on my left and it would rub on the seat when exiting. Once I noticed the damage I stopped wearing my badge in the car.

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