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CT4-V Blkwng - "Your order ... has not officially been accepted by GM at this time."


Oct 4, 2024
I've gotten this response from Cadillac.com since Tustin Cadillac placed my order (and took my $5K deposit) for a 2025 CT4V BW on Oct 11, 2024... 4 months ago.
Is Cadillac even building CT4V BW's?
What is the typical time it takes Cadillac to accept an order for a 4BW?
Thanks all!
I've gotten this response from Cadillac.com since Tustin Cadillac placed my order (and took my $5K deposit) for a 2025 CT4V BW on Oct 11, 2024... 4 months ago.
Is Cadillac even building CT4V BW's?
What is the typical time it takes Cadillac to accept an order for a 4BW?
Thanks all!
it means your order is at 1100 status.... your dealer has placed your order and GM has it, but your dealer does not have an allocation from GM to build your car. No allocation, no build. They get allocations on Thursdays and they must be confirmed by the dealer by Monday. In this window, your dealer will call you if there any constraints on your build spec - if so, you have to other drop or change them to secure the allocation. Let's say your color is on constraint - you have to change the color to get the build slot. If you say no, I'm not changing the color, the dealer will call the next person on their list. A good dealer should keep you at the next available allocation and when they get another one, they should call you to repeat the conversation. This is common with carbon fiber - many of us had to drop it to get a car, but also happens with new colors. Back in 2021, I placed my order in February and my small dealer did not get an 5BW allocation until January 2022.... 11 months. Once you get an allocation and the GM accepts it, it will move to 2000 status. It's usually pretty fast from there to 3000 (accepted for production), 3300 (scheduled for production... comes with a date, but can sometimes move a bit) and then on to 3800 (built!). For me, 2000 to 3800 was 22 days. THEN the goat rodeo starts - it could be shipped in a few weeks or, like many of us, our cars sat outside for months and months due missing small parts (like chips). Welcome to the rodeo. The wait is worth it.
TheShark summed it up perfectly!! I would only add:


They say it is worth it. I sure hope so as I am still in the arena. Can't wait to get outta here!!!
Allocations are based on how many of that car the dealer sold last year. So if you have a smaller dealer that doesn't move a lot of Blackwings, you're going to be waiting a while. There's a few dealers that do brisk business and get allocations almost every week (Sewell in Texas and Delaware Cadillac come to mind).

I'm in the same boat as you and seriously considering changing my order to one of those dealerships.
You guys are SO awesome.
I'm first on the list for Tustin Cad who's the largest in California, so I'll buckle in tight for the rodeo!
Where did you look to know the 1100, 2000, 3800... steps in the GM process?
Thanks again!
Took about a week to get my allocation through Sewell in Dallas back in Dec 2023. I flew to pick it up.
Took about a week to get my allocation through Sewell in Dallas back in Dec 2023. I flew to pick it up.
Same for me, but was Jan '22. Less than MSRP with pre-order discount at the time and Costco discount.
JLayer-- Did you pay more than sticker at Sewell?
I won't say always, but Sewell is known for MSRP (or lower) sales. Several months is a long time to wait for an allocation these days. Plus, having to put down a deposit is not required much anymore. These cars are not as scarce as 2-3 years ago (especially 4V BWs)
Seems odd that the "largest" Caddy in California wouldn't have an allocation in 4 months.

4 Blackwings are easy to get, if you haven't got an allocation in 4 months go to a different dealer. Sewell is great, ask for Dustin, they will absolutely have allocations or even one on the lot.
I had a good experience w/ Tustin back in October. I purchased my mostly base 4BW MT at sticker. Saw it on Monday, flew down on Friday to pick it up and drive it back to the Bay Area.

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