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Chevy SS to 5BW


Seasoned Member
Jun 28, 2022
Napa, CA
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 5BW 6M
Greetings from Napa! Been trolling the site for details on the 5BW and figured I would join and say howdy. As a recovering forum-a-holic (quit cold turkey about a year ago) I'm a little hesitant to join a new one, but like the vibe here.

My first adventure in the V-8 rear drive world was in 2005 with a GTO, then a V1, then detoured to a V-sport for a minute until I realized a manual means everything, so ordered a 2016 SIM 6M Chevy SS. Sold that last summer to make room for a 5BW. Hope to put a '23 modern steel manual in the garage sooner than later.
Welcome. I am not a forum geek either, but everyone here has been nice, polite and friendly. I look forward to reading what the other members have to say.
Another one of us.
I think you are probably at least the 12th former SS guy here, myself included. Welcome!
Unable to enter the thread to the person requesting information on "4B00". It means the vehicle had been built and has been "Bayed". IE it is parked and is awaiting shipment.
For all those confused by the GM production codes, you my simply search Google for " GM production codes" for a full list.
Greetings from Napa! Been trolling the site for details on the 5BW and figured I would join and say howdy. As a recovering forum-a-holic (quit cold turkey about a year ago) I'm a little hesitant to join a new one, but like the vibe here.

My first adventure in the V-8 rear drive world was in 2005 with a GTO, then a V1, then detoured to a V-sport for a minute until I realized a manual means everything, so ordered a 2016 SIM 6M Chevy SS. Sold that last summer to make room for a 5BW. Hope to put a '23 modern steel manual in the garage sooner than later.
Hey Man - what's up? I know you from the SS forums = I did same recently, traded my '15 RH2 6mt on a slightly used 2022 DEF 4V BW and have not looked back. These rides are beasts in sheep clothing...Congratz!
I still have mine, 2016 PBM 6MT with a hole. Plan on trading it in when/if my CT5 BW comes in. But I cant bring myself to sell before I know I have a suitable replacement.

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