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Unpopular opinion: I despise the popcorn machine burbles during the overrun of the v6. I hope its a setting tied to the exhaust valves.

I know I'm a weirdo here, but the burbles sound like wasted gas and poor engineering to me (and probably worse to my neighbors).

it'll be tied to the exhaust valves. In tour mode I'm sure it's quiet as a mouse
Not an engineer but have to think those will not be present under demand. Very different when parked. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Who knows. Maybe they are reading 0 mph speed and know your revving the engine, and they figure you want loud raucous sounds. Maybe they change the valve timing with the different modes, to make it burble in race mode.

Im not bothered by the occasional natural burble, but the ridiculous tunes running around on economy cars shifting to third at 25 has ruined the manufactured noise aspect.
Who knows. Maybe they are reading 0 mph speed and know your revving the engine, and they figure you want loud raucous sounds. Maybe they change the valve timing with the different modes, to make it burble in race mode.

Im not bothered by the occasional natural burble, but the ridiculous tunes running around on economy cars shifting to third at 25 has ruined the manufactured noise aspect.
Agreed in that I’d never add anything such as a 2 step to induce this but, if it comes that way…
If the settings are similar to the CT5V I have, the "pops and Bubbles" are present only under heavy acceleration/rundown...otherwise it's very subdued.
So the shift fuel cuts are separate from the exhaust character feature (pops and burbles). Different than non blackwing V series cars. Fuel cut is different in different modes, track obviously letting "pull the trigger" (sounds like gun shots outside car lol). The exhaust character is different in touring sport and track each a bit more of it. V mode and my mode you decide on all of them. I often turn things down when with wife or my kids are napping in the back. Go full beastmode when alone and cruising woodwar. The stealth exhaust mode is also an option and works great with stealth interior as well if you want to be an absolute sleeper at night and people cant even see you driving the car with every light off and cluster in stealth mode.

no fuel cut on manual trans cars but they have their unique no lift shift sounds if you decide to drive that way (check please love the no lift shifts!)
So the shift fuel cuts are separate from the exhaust character feature (pops and burbles). Different than non blackwing V series cars. Fuel cut is different in different modes, track obviously letting "pull the trigger" (sounds like gun shots outside car lol). The exhaust character is different in touring sport and track each a bit more of it. V mode and my mode you decide on all of them. I often turn things down when with wife or my kids are napping in the back. Go full beastmode when alone and cruising woodwar. The stealth exhaust mode is also an option and works great with stealth interior as well if you want to be an absolute sleeper at night and people cant even see you driving the car with every light off and cluster in stealth mode.

no fuel cut on manual trans cars but they have their unique no lift shift sounds if you decide to drive that way (check please love the no lift shifts!)
Question, do the manual BW's not have the pops and burbles or a different sound all together???
All cars have the exhaust character feature (pops and burbles). Fuel cuts only work on auto transmissions, thats the "pop" during shifts in sport/track mode and different from exhaust character. Helps with gear shifts a tad. Manual transmission cars dont have the fuel cut (no point) but make a different sound during no lift shifts (spark cut). No lift shift is when you keep throttle fully pinned and you just shift by clutching (hence called no lift shift). Helps keep turbos spooled for better acceleration once in next gear plus quicker shifts due to focus on clutch only. Manuals do have same exhaust character modes as autos.

exhaust character (pops and burbles): both transmissions, mode selectable (3 settings)

fuel cut: auto only, mode selectable (believe 3 mode might be two I forgot)

spark cut no lift shift: manual cars only, no mode, works in all modes but high throttle (over 90% or more and at rpms above 5k I believe, bottom line spirited driving)

all three sound different.
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The stealth exhaust mode is also an option and works great with stealth interior as well if you want to be an absolute sleeper at night and people cant even see you driving the car with every light off and cluster in stealth mode.
I may be in the minority here but I would love to see this feature melded with other vehicle systems as we see with the Corvette's GPS enabled front end lift. Automatic stealth mode for getting in and out of my neighborhood, and parking garage at work? Or the ability to program auto stealth mode for early morning or late night hours? With manual override, of course. Shut up and take my money.
@Mirza Grebovic "Exhaust Character Feature" is the most nerdy engineering name ever :) Is the exhaust character feature mode selection separate from the exhaust valving selection, or are they tied together? Either way, im glad you gave us the option to choose.
I may be in the minority here but I would love to see this feature melded with other vehicle systems as we see with the Corvette's GPS enabled front end lift. Automatic stealth mode for getting in and out of my neighborhood, and parking garage at work? Or the ability to program auto stealth mode for early morning or late night hours? With manual override, of course. Shut up and take my money.
I wonder if "my mode" would work for this?
I may be in the minority here but I would love to see this feature melded with other vehicle systems as we see with the Corvette's GPS enabled front end lift.
I thought about this as I have to back my V into my garage so the splitter doesn’t scrape. My theory is the BW doesn’t have this feature because the weight of the engine is over the front wheels which is a problem the C8 doesn’t have. Just my theory. Definitely a feature I would love to have, though.
Exhaust character is tied to valves. Oh if you knew the names our talented engineers came up with....
I have received a couple of comments on my YouTube account about the CT4-V BW video... One person said the CT4-V BW was a CT5-V BW, and another said it was a base CT4-V...The guy that said it was a base model said he has one ordered and ask me if I was "sure" it was a BW...I would think that if you had one ordered you could tell it was a BW from just looking at the back of the car and seeing all the CF....People really need to do their homework before posting something stupid!
I have received a couple of comments on my YouTube account about the CT4-V BW video... One person said the CT4-V BW was a CT5-V BW, and another said it was a base CT4-V...The guy that said it was a base model said he has one ordered and ask me if I was "sure" it was a BW...I would think that if you had one ordered you could tell it was a BW from just looking at the back of the car and seeing all the CF....People really need to do their homework before posting something stupid!
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