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Blackwing Option Rarity Estimates?

I just did a search on cars.com and there are maybe 2 (White & Rift) ones that could meet your criteria. The last one (Rift, autosavy Ft Worth) probably has the PDR because it shows the card slot.

Oh thanks! I didn't realize the SD card slot means there is a PDR installed! I had ignored the first one due to lack of performance steering wheel. I might have seen the second one, but I always get a bit nervous when there is an accident reported on it...also aren't those aftermarket wheels? IDK, worth inquiring about I suppose.

Edit: Just saw the second one has a sunroof and suede wheel. Bummer!
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I think a majority of cars have sunroofs. CCB and no sunroof should have been my car, but I pussed out on the $9,000 price. No sunroof and M6 though, so got most of it right.
Yeah, I missed the sunroof too (even though it's listed). The images didn't show it except for one you can see it slightly. I think the card slot would be an indicator for PDR, but I haven't seen one without to verify. I'm guessing it's a solid block-off if it's not there.
I haven't heard of anything but that would be really cool to see.

I've often wondered how many BWs were made in my color (coastal blue metallic). I couldn't find any others nationally when I was searching and buying - but there are lots now.
Well, that makes at least two of us!
Funny, but that is my ideal color scheme. Blue exterior, gray interior, red belts and calipers.
A fellow man of taste.
(Not pictured, red belts)


Yeah, I missed the sunroof too (even though it's listed). The images didn't show it except for one you can see it slightly. I think the card slot would be an indicator for PDR, but I haven't seen one without to verify. I'm guessing it's a solid block-off if it's not there.
correct, No PDR cars have a blank area where the SD card slot is.
Yeah, I missed the sunroof too (even though it's listed). The images didn't show it except for one you can see it slightly. I think the card slot would be an indicator for PDR, but I haven't seen one without to verify. I'm guessing it's a solid block-off if it's not there.
It’s a little cubby. I have my laser jammer controller mounted in there.
I ordered my 22 5BW manual with CCBs and no sunroof. I had to drop the CF backed seats and CF1 and CF2 due to the constraints. I ended up with the mid tier suede backed buckets but added CF1 and most of CF2 (minus the rear diffuser) later. Shadow Grey Metallic listed in Rob's database here. Ordered in August of 2021 and delivered in July of 2022 (May build). CF constraints were fully on at that time.
I'm not sure that's correct. 2022 MY, CF was heavily constrained. They changed suppliers 2 or 3 times. CF started to be "easier" to get for 23's and now 24's. There were times during 23 and 24 CF was constrained due to the special editions getting most of it.
It wasnt as constrained until going into spring time. The main manufacturer that made 70% of CF parts for the Blackwing folded in Nov 2021. There were 2-3 smaller companies that made batches but they couldnt make up the loss. Towards the end of MY22, what ever CF made was only allocated to automatics cuz they're more expensive total wise.

MY23, they saved whatever CF they had and reserved them for the 120th Anniversary. You pretty much didnt see CF on any 2023 cars until summer time when they built all the anniversary and had some left over stock. Again, only allocated those to auto cars.
@flipray ...Not to argue, but I ordered my BW in Aug 2021 for 22 MY with CF1, CF2 and CF seats from a higher volume dealer. Number 2 or 3 on the list. Never got my allocation due to constraints. Order sat at 1100 until cancelled at end of model year. Side note: I was pretty bull headed. Should have dropped CF and got my car, but what I have is what I ordered, less CF1 and CF2 and I do have the CF seats.
If you want a car with more options, particularly CF parts and CCB, look into 2022s. Late 2022, all of 2023 and most of 2024, parts constraints were prevalent. CF was pretty on constraint the whole MY23. It was bad enough that there were month or two where no manual was available to be built.
I guess I should feel fortunate my 2023 M6 5BW has both CF packages. It was an early January 2023 build which I bought used last May.
My unicorn was Wave Metallic, Sky Cool Gray, and all the other bits I have. (M6, PDR, CCB, CF1&2, Carbon seats). I had looked for over a year and come close several times but there was always something that kept me from getting it.
When the one I have popped all things considered and the price I paid I guess I "settled" for Electric Blue and Tan/Black Seats. :)
I guess I should feel fortunate my 2023 M6 5BW has both CF packages. It was an early January 2023 build which I bought used last May.
Lucky, you'd be a handful of folks who actually have CF packages for 2023. Did you get the CF backed seats too? That year was also when Cadillac gave top tier seats without CF and gave people $2900 back. Went from unable to order top tier seats, to get top tier but no CF shells.

@flipray ...Not to argue, but I ordered my BW in Aug 2021 for 22 MY with CF1, CF2 and CF seats from a higher volume dealer. Number 2 or 3 on the list. Never got my allocation due to constraints. Order sat at 1100 until cancelled at end of model year. Side note: I was pretty bull headed. Should have dropped CF and got my car, but what I have is what I ordered, less CF1 and CF2 and I do have the CF seats.
Sewell was getting at least 6-10 cars every week at the peak of delivery. Theres's a reason we dub Justin the Blackwing King.
I Got This Smile GIF by Kings of Con
@flipray ....That's true too, but at one point, they were not selling to out of state buyers. Dustin and I had numerous phone conversations.
@flipray ....That's true too, but at one point, they were not selling to out of state buyers. Dustin and I had numerous phone conversations.
They were for a while. The issue was their wait list got so long and they didnt want local buyers to wait too long. They figured those guys are potential repeat customers. When I jumped on, the list was over 120 people (I was #106 come DEC). Think they did that for about 8 months before they opened back out to out of state buyers.

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