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Black Emblems

Did anyone here paint their own badges black? I got the OEM black badges from my dealer, but since the '24 has two additional BW badges the set doesn't include those. So I'm thinking I'll just paint two of my chrome BW badges to match if anyone is aware of a paint that would match. I might try it with some Black Raven aerosol and see what it looks like.
Yes, I painted the stock "Blackwing" badge. Process here:

Finished product here:

Since alot of good info and part numbers have been posted here I figured I would drop these here for reference

5BW Specific

GM Accessory Monochromatic Front and Rear shield set - Non Adaptive Cruise Control - 84773628

OE Front Grille Emblem Shield (Non ACC) - 84675814
Rear Trunk Emblem Shield - 84552885


After working with more people than I'd care to admit including the company that kits the emblems for GM Accessories we finally have a proper CT5 kit that Includes the Blackwing chiclets for the fenders! Looks like the parts catalogs finally show it (with pictures) but it exists and I got to put the first one on my car last month :)

Are OEM badges metal or plastic?
I kinda posted this in the wrong thread, but adding pics on this thread for completion. This is the final product with the black badges. Moved the side V from the fender to the door. Changed the yellow in the factory badges to gunmetal to match the rims, and changed the black Blackwing lettering to red. Let me know what you think.
Did you clear coat the badges after painting the letters red?

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