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Anyone have a 5V Blackwing I can test drive??

Love the Rapid Red! I have Kona Blue, no stripes, no options, 1 of 1 car. PS4S will improve your life dramatically on the 350R. I have my CF wheels and tires sitting under blankets since 300 miles.

BMWs always bore me. Haven't driven the G80 but have driven the F80 in anger. Yawn.
What a horrible place to live for a car enthusiast, only 5 to 6 months out of the year to use your car. Maybe you need a new geographic and not a new car?
I completely agree, but I built my dreamhouse here on the river 3 years ago and wouldn't leave it for anything. Need more car roadtrips or something, maybe when I retire, which isn't soon. (Especially if I keep buying cars like this)
Oh, and do NOT sell your 350R. They fight so far above their weight and are already iconic.
I just sold my 2019 GT350 with 9,100 miles on it, for more than what it stickered for. I mentioned in another thread or forum, I would love to have kept it, but I don't need four vehicles. Up to this point, it was by far the most fun and driver engaging vehicle I've ever owned. OMG......the noise that car made was glorious. I suspect that I'll enjoy the Jekyll and Hyde attributes of the 5BW 6M just as much........at least I hope so.
I love the description of the R 😄 I am hoping the 5VBW is everything I am expecting/hoping, would just love to know. My M3 is a month old and I'm already over it, even after spending like $7k in carbon fiber and performance mods. I hate the turbo lag between shifts and don't want to have a piggyback doing tuning and possibly messing with the warranty, etc.

Keep thinking I should keep the R, but it never gets driven thanks to the ridiculous Cup2R tires. I'm in Northern NY, so our roads are nasty/salty until June, then it's too cold by October. Maybe some PS4S would make it more liveable, but that's a pricey experiment swapping 315 and 305 tires when the others only have 1,600 miles so far. My R happens to be the most rare color combo made, and it's a '20, so most desirable attributes.
Keep it if you can! ^^^^^^^^^

If you don't track your "R", put a new set of Michelin Pilot Super Sports or PS4S's on it. I put the PSS's on and the difference it made on my GT350 was night and day. Much smoother, quieter, great wet and dry traction (albeit my car never saw the rain), no more tramlining and should be good for 20K to 30k miles or more. I suspect that the PS4S's would be even better. You could sell the Cup 2's for a good bit. I pray that I don't come to regret selling my 350.

Good luck, whatever you do.

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Beautiful cars! Thank you for the info. Unfortunately I bought at the peak of car pricing, so it was around $95k, haven't had any buyers anywhere above $90k so far. Guess I was see what happens.
Look for a used one on the lot to test drive? Those are usually a lot easier to get a test drive in.

I had no trouble getting a test drive in LA - I test drove 4 prior to buying. 2 had to be driven out of the showroom to do so. Maybe try another dealer? Finding a MT to test drive is a whole lot harder than auto though. MTs are usually customer orders and dealer orders are almost always auto.

If you convince them you're serious, and not buying without a test drive, you may have more luck. Also go to a dealer with low or no ADM. The one's with big ADMs only get one car a year and don't want anyone to touch it. If you're ever in LA I can tell you which dealers will let you test drive

Also, do yourself a favor and test drive a 5 AND a 4 (a 4 wasn't on my radar, but it is a fantastic car)
The CT5BW is subtly bonkers. Short shift low RPM pulls 2-5K RPMs make the old school drag guys happy enough. It’s 4K+ shifting through gears where the bonkers comes in. Keep it from going sideways and it just pulls and pulls and pulls through the gears. Traction is def a problem. But you can predict it, roll with it, and have fun with the slip. I think bc of the slip more power doesn’t make much sense. IMO an upgrade could be AWD, but I drive 70% in the rain.. .

It’s hard to describe how I feel when I drive it running errands. Like I’m happy and something illegal is happening. It can be classy asf or violent or both. It’ll bite but won’t break skin. When people notice it they realize it’s very nice yet there’s something slightly off and nuanced about it (for better or for worse).

The suspension tuning is sick (slang: amazing) coupled to the power and I feel that’s where the magic is re: tuxedo/brawler.

GL w/ finding a drive. Keep it straight.
I also only got the YouTube test drive because that’s all there was in early 2022. The first one I ever saw in person was mine. I’ve had the 5BW for about 18 months and this is the first car in a long time I never want to sell. But, I’m biased because I prefer big sedans and grew up in the muscle car era. So the car brings back fond memories of a simpler time. It truly is a very special car.
I second the comment about driving a used one. Then you can hammer on it and not feel as bad. Try autotempest.com they gather all the used car sites for one comprehensive search.
Try autotempest.com they gather all the used car sites for one comprehensive search.
Thank you so much for this info. My daughter cracked up her cr-v a couple of weeks ago. she spun out on the highway in a snowstorm did a 180 and ended up at the center median with airbags deployed. she was fine and didn't hit anyone. However she sustained some serious damage. at least one frame rail is bent. I've been checking lots of different sites looking for cars. I didn't know there was a site that aggregates all the car listings. This is awesome. Thanks again!


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