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Anyone get their Blackwing badge yet? And are you putting it on?

Tall Steve to Cadillac/Cadillac V-Club: I did not receive my second badge for my Blackwing.. Cadillac V-Club: would you stop complaining and be more appreciative! Oh, ok, my bad!!! I'm getting tired of all the excuses!! My favorite brand is going to hell in a handbasket.... I know its a little thing, but damn, can no one in the workforce today produce, and SHIP things anymore? I have been waiting on a next day shipment from FedEx now for 10 days and they still cant tell me when it's going to be delivered...... Sorry, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning....
Sarcastic Joke GIF

There are times when the king should not wear the crown in order to remain king...

I'm not saying anyone is wrong or right in this situation but surely you can appreciate it could be seen as braggadocio to complain that you haven't gotten your second badge for your second blackwing having never failed to inform us of your connections and having been the first to take delivery of a car while others frustratedly wait going on some 16 MONTHS to take delivery of their vehicle, as other still wait for badges as well...

I get it, it's hard to be humble when you're as blessed as we are, but maybe every once in a while it's ok to just take the temporary L so we can relate to the 99.99999% of humanity who despite equally dedicated efforts will forever have their dreams deferred.

Certainly, we all want the folks at Cadillac to get their act together, Personally, I would NOT have made this badge available directly. I would have made it only available through dealers and you would have had to bring your car in to have your vin verified and opt in or out to have it installed that way we wouldn't have flippers getting badges and selling them on Ebay while current owners are still waiting but that's just me. Yes, Cadillac could be handling this much better.

But you have to admit, the guy who can afford to have TWO Blackwings, took delivery first, and essentially skipped the line on the second, went to springmountain twice, won a limited edition helmet, and already received one badge set, complaining about not getting his second while others all still waiting to complete all or any of the above seems a little bit like privileged whining.

Sometimes it makes sense to NOT run up the score Bro. Take the L and wait it out like a good Goat Rodeo Clown...

In the end, you are still owed the badge for as many cars as you buy, it doesn't matter what your situation is. Cadillac made a special effort to get this out, so they should follow through with the same effort.
In the end, you are still owed the badge for as many cars as you buy, it doesn't matter what your situation is. Cadillac made a special effort to get this out, so they should follow through with the same effort.
I totally agree Cadillac needs to get this handled properly, and quickly for everyone.
Sarcastic Joke GIF

There are times when the king should not wear the crown in order to remain king...

I'm not saying anyone is wrong or right in this situation but surely you can appreciate it could be seen as braggadocio to complain that you haven't gotten your second badge for your second blackwing having never failed to inform us of your connections and having been the first to take delivery of a car while others frustratedly wait going on some 16 MONTHS to take delivery of their vehicle, as other still wait for badges as well...

I get it, it's hard to be humble when you're as blessed as we are, but maybe every once in a while it's ok to just take the temporary L so we can relate to the 99.99999% of humanity who despite equally dedicated efforts will forever have their dreams deferred.

Certainly, we all want the folks at Cadillac to get their act together, Personally, I would NOT have made this badge available directly. I would have made it only available through dealers and you would have had to bring your car in to have your vin verified and opt in or out to have it installed that way we wouldn't have flippers getting badges and selling them on Ebay while current owners are still waiting but that's just me. Yes, Cadillac could be handling this much better.

But you have to admit, the guy who can afford to have TWO Blackwings, took delivery first, and essentially skipped the line on the second, went to springmountain twice, won a limited edition helmet, and already received one badge set, complaining about not getting his second while others all still waiting to complete all or any of the above seems a little bit like privileged whining.

Sometimes it makes sense to NOT run up the score Bro. Take the L and wait it out like a good Goat Rodeo Clown...

I disagree. While it is fun to see @Tall Steve get a taste of what it feels like to be a normal schmoe like the rest of us, he is also entitled to his badges, just like the rest of us. He has gotten good treatment from a dealership that he has earned by giving them significant business in the past, and he has shared that experience and his enthusiasm for his cars and AFAIK has been a positive spokesperson for GM and the Blackwing brand in general. I think he has every right to complain about this...lord knows the rest of us do our share of complaining as well.

As for V-Club, I would like to take this opportunity to once again share my opinion that a single-brand car club that charges for membership and does no charitable work to speak of is stupid and should not exist. Maybe Steve is coming around to my opinion? If so, could a leftward turn in his political opinions be far behind? Find out on our upcoming podcast! 😛
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I disagree. While it is fun to see @Tall Steve get a taste of what it feels like to be a normal schmoe like the rest of us, he is also entitled to his badges, just like the rest of us. While he has gotten good treatment from a dealership that he has given significant business to in the past, he has shared that experience and his enthusiasm for his cars and AFAIK has been a positive spokesperson for GM and the Blackwing brand in general. I think he has every right to complain about this...lord knows the rest of us do our share of complaining as well.

As for V-Club, I would like to take this opportunity to once again share my opinion that a single-brand car club that charges for membership and does no charitable work to speak of is stupid and should not exist. Maybe Steve is coming around to my opinion? If so, could a leftward turn in his political opinions be far behind? Find out on our upcoming podcast! 😛
I disagree. While it is fun to see @Tall Steve get a taste of what it feels like to be a normal schmoe like the rest of us, he is also entitled to his badges, just like the rest of us. While he has gotten good treatment from a dealership that he has given significant business to in the past, he has shared that experience and his enthusiasm for his cars and AFAIK has been a positive spokesperson for GM and the Blackwing brand in general. I think he has every right to complain about this...lord knows the rest of us do our share of complaining as well.

As for V-Club, I would like to take this opportunity to once again share my opinion that a single-brand car club that charges for membership and does no charitable work to speak of is stupid and should not exist. Maybe Steve is coming around to my opinion? If so, could a leftward turn in his political opinions be far behind? Find out on our upcoming podcast! 😛
There is nothing to disagree with. Cadillac needs to take care of all of us, as quickly and efficiently as possible. I'm not in opposition to @Tall Steve wanting to get his badge or being frustrated about the process. I was merely pointing out why SOME people might perceive him in particular as flaunting an embarrassment of riches, while they experience equally frustrating issues in taking delivery of at least one car.

I certainly won't draw much more pleasure (than I already have) from seeing our guy struggle to get his second badge. Were the tables turned I think I would have been a bit more lowkey about it in light of the circumstances everyone else is in. But then again we all tolerate him for a reason, despite his, personality, looks, and demeanor, he actually almost a great guy. 🤣

As for V Club and the membership charge, I think I have eaten my membership fee at least twice over in free meals. Not to mention the event discounts and free parking. It takes money to administrate anything.
Katy, where did you buy the badges ?? I like the look and would like to buy 2 sets for my 4 & 5.
I got mine from this guy on FB



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I received my car back in June 22'. I already had my appointment for my PPF and ceramic coating set up. I too, like my "stinking badges" ! They weren't offering anything back then , so I had my pinstriper come up with his own interpretation of a Black Wing logo. I then found a set of "supercharger" logos on Ebay. To put everything back, I would have to ruin my new PPF and polish off the pinstriping. Nope. I'll keep what I got. I'm happy with it.
I am probably going to mount the new delivered logo on the dashboard , somewhere. I will have to look. Or under the hood.


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attached the OEM badge....the other ones don't match so I am not mounting them. If anyone wants them let me know.
what did you do to make it black and white? Looks too nice to just be rattle can
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I'm sorry you guys have to "tolerate"me, I will try to do better......
@Tall Steve Your doing just fine, wow I can't believe I'm going to bat for you. I would love to have my 5 and a 4 as a beater🤣 If I did I would want and expect my emblems. I'm a little envious of some of the watches flaunted but I would never begrudge anybody for being in the position to afford them. I'm sure there are those out there that think @ClassaxV you are privileged for being able to afford your BW. I'm also sure that had you been given the same treatment as @Tall Steve you wouldn't turn down the opportunity.
Just came in the mail today! Nice pieces well made folks. Got em all now. Time to re-badge her!


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