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Anyone else's 5BW burning through oil?

Just trying to get my dipstick wet. It’s been years.
stuck rooster GIF
The oil level sensor is not the problem IMHO. The oil read low because it was low. This motor needs 0W-40 dexos2 and my strong suspicion is the dealer is using the same synthetic they use for other Cadillacs. Unfortunately if you stipulate the proper oil you will never know whether the sensor was bad, but I can tell you I’ve added a lot of oil to mine and it was never overfilled. Zero smoke, zero pressure change, etc.
I haven’t had a LT4, but have had a few performance V8s. Both drink about a quart every 1-2k.

Side note, anyone use Amsoil SS 0W-40? It has the dexosR designation.
I haven’t had a LT4, but have had a few performance V8s. Both drink about a quart every 1-2k.

Side note, anyone use Amsoil SS 0W-40? It has the dexosR designation.
Wasn't aware Amsoil had a dexosR oil, so I dug a little.

I found this site as well listing dexosR approved oils.

Right now, there are only 2...both Mobil1.

Would be a bit of a shock since Amsoil has famously refused to ever certify for ANY level of dexos. They have claimed for years their oil exceeds the latest dexos spec, but will never submit to testing/certification.
I took mine to dealer for first oil change (because it was free) and I watched them in the service bay grab the pump handle and start filling it up. I know for a fact they don't have 0-40 in bulk, so I knew they were using the wrong oil. They didn't have a clue. Last oil change with dealer.

I run amsoil in all my vehicles.

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