Welcome to the Cadillac V-Series Forums!

Another new guy from Texas


New Member
Apr 15, 2014
Corsicana TX
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2014 XTS4 VSport Platinum
Howdy all. Just recently joined the forum to see what all I can learn and share on the XTS4 Vsport we recently bought. So far I love this car. The wife and I own and show a 57 Chevy 3100 (very customized, FI 383 @ 528 HP), a 2004 Pontiac GTO (1 of 271 with RPO - bone stock except for my tweaks to the induction for better airflow and brembo brakes), and a 2011 Wrangler JK Unlimited heavily modified for rock crawling (not only do I show the JK I do the Jamboree @ Rubicon Trail in her every year). The XTS4 Vsport has grabbed a ton of attention at the 3 cruise ins I have taken it to - so I am very happy so far!

I came from a strong background in coachcrafting - from age 5 all the way to 35 I worked on built and modified race cars, customs and classics. A back injury put me behind the desk and I figured if I can't do the work I love (job enjoyment is part of the compensation package for me) - I will have to do work that makes money instead! So I changed career paths and now run a multi unit franchise tax operation. So the only automotive work I do now is my own cars - I outsource very little - paint and such specialty work. I do all my own fabrication and building. Had to rent a shop just for the toys when we outgrew the driveway and three car garage. (toys, tow truck, trailer and etc take up a bunch of space).

My first new Caddy was a 2002 Anniversary DTS. She has just over 285K totally problem free miles on her now. So in retiring her (Donor Car for next project?) - I bought the V.

Hopefully I will find friends and cohorts here - I love the exchange of ideas between folks who are fellow gear heads. Bench racing is so much fun and wrecks don't cost ya money!!!

Glad to have you here.

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