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2nd gear 6MT

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No, not me!
On that drop-down everything is gray. I can't use, I tried uninstall to no avail. Any suggestions?
I was recently on a road trip vacation with the car outside overnight with temperatures down to 20F. Transmission was perfect. Guess I got lucky with a good one.

You did. Mine gives me shit like every time I get in and I live in SoCal. I just chalk it up to feedback.

I've learned - mostly from the folks here - that very small differences in technique make a huge difference.

I was having a lot of trouble with the 2nd gear shift in mine when I first got it. Three changes made a huge difference for me. Presented in descending order of importance:
  1. rev to at least 2,500 rpm when cold (this tip from folks here)
  2. pull slightly driver side when shifting (this tip from folks here)
  3. don't shift too slowly (my contribution)
Doing those things eliminated almost all my issues, even even when it got sub-freezing here.
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I've learned - mostly from the folks here - that very small differences in technique make a huge difference.

I was having a lot of trouble with the 2nd gear shift in mine when I first got it. Three changes made a huge difference for me. Presented in descending order of importance:
  1. rev to at least 2,500 rpm when cold (this tip from folks here)
  2. pull slightly driver side when shifting (this tip from folks here)
  3. don't shift too slowly (my contribution)
Doing those things eliminated almost all my issues, even even when it got sub-freezing here.
I think I’ve been doing all these things without realizing it. I generally don’t shift unless I’m at 3K minimum.
I think I’ve been doing all these things without realizing it.

I think that's exactly why so many of us are having such different experiences.

Our transmissions aren't different. We are different.
I stated this thread and appreciate the input from others. I have found with a few changes it’s 90 percent better and now really enjoying the transmission.

I purposely have been using second gear and that has helped and even question if it just needed to be exercised a bit.

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