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How much of that noise is fake?

so 650

Seasoned Member
Aug 19, 2023
The 650
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 CT4V BW Sebring IMSA Edition
Question on sound - mostly about my 4BW, but the same questions applies to the 5s ... I know that the engine sound settings affect the exhaust valves and the exhaust noise volume audible outside the car; I'm vaguely aware that there's active noise cancellation inside the car. But how much of the engine noise that I hear inside the car is natural (modified with ANC) vs synthesized "cool engine sounding" sounds through the speakers?

And how do the burbles play into that?

Who cares...........what matters is, does it sound good to you?
None. But get ready to hear a lot of dispute about that.
As an old college professor used to ask me, "is that what you know or is that what you think?"

Since the OP included the 5 in the question, the car nerds at Savagegeese clearly articulate that the 5BW has augmented engine noise. They spent a lot of time with GM engineers for this review, so I tend to trust them.

As an old college professor used to ask me, "is that what you know or is that what you think?"

Since the OP included the 5 in the question, the car nerds at Savagegeese clearly articulate that the 5BW has augmented engine noise. They spent a lot of time with GM engineers for this review, so I tend to trust them.

Like I said there would be dispute. I know the 4 has none. I haven’t driven a 5 so you are correct I don’t know. But by the same token neither do the guys in that video. As you say, do you know or do you think you know. You are *assuming* these guys know.
Re the 5BW, it turns out that there's a thread here where one of our community members disabled the stereo and noted a significant difference in sound.
At the risk of a circular argument, how do you know the 4BW doesn't? I don't know if the 5BW does or does not, but the thread 650 mentioned and Savagegeese I tend to think it does. Like I said, they spent a considerable amount of time with Cadillac engineers before they made that video so I'll believe that over my own bias (wishing it didn't).
The 5 absolutely does, its very noticeable at higher rpms. Down low its all exhaust, especially if you drop the rear seats.
At the risk of a circular argument, how do you know the 4BW doesn't? I don't know if the 5BW does or does not, but the thread 650 mentioned and Savagegeese I tend to think it does. Like I said, they spent a considerable amount of time with Cadillac engineers before they made that video so I'll believe that over my own bias (wishing it didn't).

I know the 4 doesn’t because there is nothing to hear. It doesn’t make any noise internally and we know for certain it makes a good amount of noise externally. The thread that was referenced about the 5 having piped in sound is not convincing if you read it. I read it a while back and came away pretty convinced there was a placebo effect happening at best. There is certainly no reason to enhance the sound of the 5. The vehicle makes real sound. If they wanted to make it more noticeable inside the cabin all they had to was remove some sound soak. Hell it would even lighten the car and make it perform better. It doesn’t pass muster from a logical point of view but like I said I don’t know for sure about anything but the 4, which has absolutely no fake sound coming from anywhere.
Re the 5BW, it turns out that there's a thread here where one of our community members disabled the stereo and noted a significant difference in sound.
Any chance this is due to the noise cancelling being disabled, rather than fake noise being piped in? The manual for the 4BW says:
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)
If equipped, ANC reduces engine noise in the vehicle’s interior. ANC requires the factory-installed audio system, radio, speakers, amplifier (if equipped), induction system, and exhaust system to work properly. Deactivation is required by your dealer if related aftermarket equipment is installed.
If you put the car in 'snow' mode most to all of the piped in sound will be gone. Exhaust valves will be closed but I'm pretty sure they open up under load so you'll hear the natural sound..
This product was mentioned in a non-BW thread I ran across. Any thoughts on this sort of thing?

For $15, not bad. Would love to know what difference they make in a BW.
Last year I took a potential BW buyer for a ride, and at one point I rolled down the windows so that he could hear the great sounds better. IMHO it was actually quieter with the windows down. So that lends credence to the hypothesis that a lot of the sound is piped-into the stereo system.

And yes, he bought a car shortly after the ride. :)
Last year I took a potential BW buyer for a ride, and at one point I rolled down the windows so that he could hear the great sounds better. IMHO it was actually quieter with the windows down. So that lends credence to the hypothesis that a lot of the sound is piped-into the stereo system.

And yes, he bought a car shortly after the ride. :)
Try putting a rear seat down instead, the car is a whole lot louder inside anytime I make a Home Depot run.
You guys are missing out. I appreciate the extra sounds personally. Reminds me of other things I always want to hear more positive feedback than what's expected...
I want a louder dual mode exhaust and no fake noise. I drive adult passengers most days so folding the back seat down or opening the windows all the time doesnt work.
I can add one thing.
I installed a pair of Flowmaster Super 10 mufflers and removed the valves from the system.
Now in tour mode there are no pops on the deceleration, but in the track mode it pops a lot on deceleration. This tells me that the pops are created by the fuel/ignition management and has nothing to do with the valves being open of closed. There is some kind of silly noise that comes through the stereos. I only really notice it when getting on the highway and rolling into the throttle.
You guys are missing out. I appreciate the extra sounds personally. Reminds me of other things I always want to hear more positive feedback than what's expected...

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