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Recent content by SemperEspi

  1. SemperEspi

    Rear reflector mod from amazon

    I wish I could find these for hte CT4
  2. SemperEspi

    Track Mode

    I'll be damned, you have to be QUICK with the double tap! NICE!
  3. SemperEspi

    Track Mode

    This is correct, this is how it works for my '22 BW at least, I can select V mode, then change suspension, steering etc to tour, but also change my PTM settings EDIT: I just tested, it will work with Suspension and Steering in Sport and PTM in Dry, but any PTM setting further and they go to track.
  4. SemperEspi

    Track Mode

    To make things MORE confusing, BW don't have a Competitive Driving Mode, at least from my experience, I've tried sport pushing traction twice, nothing happens in my '22 BW
  5. SemperEspi

    Proud new owner of CT-4 V Blackwing

    Goooood morning ladies and gents! I am Nathan Espinosa, born Jul 6th, Marine Corps Veteran Just picked up a '22 CT4-V Blackwing with every option possibly available, sticker price was $82k two years ago, I got a screaming deal for under $50k albit with 45k miles Can't wait to start modding...
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