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What did you do to your Blackwing today?

I made it. This is the OEM Blackwing Badge. The rear of my car has one from "0fx2gv" which came as black with white text but also needed some modifying. Instructions from @jwolf99 and some more pics from me earlier in this thread here: What did you do to your Blackwing today?
Trying to decide if I wanna black mine out and put it on the back, or leave it off as rest of car is debadged other than the Cadillac hood and trunk that are blacked out
Nothing hits harder than a good atmosphere composition joke! :D

@Tall Steve you derailed what could have been 9 pages of summer vs winter air trolling, gawd!
Sorry Anchorman GIF by reactionseditor
I took it out for lunch in 90 degree weather. First time it had been out in days. Air conditioning decided all on its own that it wasn't necessary. The car was wrong. I need to call Cadillac for a service appointment. I'm pushing 1300 miles already. I will use it as the excuse to get the free oil change done.
Nothing fancy - just tinted the amber side markers, installed the blackout emblems from Savage Cadillac, swapped out the silver lug nuts for black ones and hardwired the Redline 360c radar detector. The visual piece is starting to come together.
I took it out for lunch in 90 degree weather. First time it had been out in days. Air conditioning decided all on its own that it wasn't necessary. The car was wrong. I need to call Cadillac for a service appointment. I'm pushing 1300 miles already. I will use it as the excuse to get the free oil change done.
I will be in an xt5 loaner for a few days. The air conditioning belt had blown off. They need to order a new one which will be a few days. Hopefully that clears the issue..
Detailed the engine bay (wasn’t bad m, so cleaned up nicely) and then put down a layer of Adam’s VRT on all the plastics
Rolled out to a local cruise in and had this VR built 900hp ZL1 1LE park next to me. Amazing the things you can find in small town USA, haha. Also spotted a GT3 that looked like it had just come off the Dragon.

Went for a drive and hit 500 miles, so ran it to redline 😁. Brake dust is intense on bronze wheels!! Will give it a wash in the morning.


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Went for a drive and hit 500 miles, so ran it to redline 😁. Brake dust is intense on bronze wheels!! Will give it a wash in the morning.
Ceramic coat + pressure washer will get rid of 90% of it.

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