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CT5-V What don't you like about your CT5-V Blackwing?

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I just don't think it is going to be as good at that because of it being RWD.

It's my fault- I didn't research it enough. I shouldn't have bought a RWD car given how I like to drive(going fast in spurts but never really fast overall)

It's just that it sort sucks for me as I noted because now I have a car that that cost more than other cars that (for my type of driving) outperform it and have more luxury. The f pace svr I can drive faster(in terms of just carefree stabbing the throttle at low speeds) and it's more luxurious. And it cost me about 10k less new.

So ... let's fast forward here a little bit. When are you selling? How much are you asking?? :)
So ... let's fast forward here a little bit. When are you selling? How much are you asking?? :)
All I have to say is this guy is smoking some serious weed. C'mon, can't control it, unless you never drove a fast RWD car before. I was drifting in 2nd gear with under 500 miles on the clock and loved every second of it!
All I'm going to say is, almost any AWD vehicle will put power down and probably feel more stable than RWD. I think that's why most SUV's are AWD....especially for weather issues. POINT...my 6000 pound Expedition in 4 Auto and "sport mode" is surprisingly quick and very stable on the road, more so than in RWD, because it puts the power down better.

That said, I've been all over southern California and many parts of AZ on various twisty, up and down mountain roads. Some were smooth as glass, others a little rough or course. I've only felt the rear end "move" twice for a split second. I have no "fear" of driving this car. I've been to very illegal speeds (where is that Mexico thread?) and it's very grounded. Your tires have to be warmed up, because if they are cold, you'll be in a ditch as with any "high performance" tire. It is unbelievable how fast you can get to 70, 80 or 90 mph in this car. You have to learn it, trust it and be smart.
It is unbelievable how fast you can get to 70, 80 or 90 mph in this car. You have to learn it, trust it and be smart.
Agree 100%. I've been surprised even on my 275 winter tires and colder temps, power is VERY manageable and it's very good at putting it down. It slips if you put too much too quick but that's a function of a lot of power, temps and road contact, so physics. Having enough power to have to respect it is part of the fun for me. Every other car that I can just floor it and hang on, gets really boring for me right away, including my C8. Modulating throttle is part of a real driver's experience and it's very evident and fun in this application. What more engaging than that engine, with that manual transmission, that suspension, while riding in that comfort? Nothing else like it out there. PERIOD.

I think the real problem is I must not be "stabbing it" correctly. :gtfo
Umm, the reason I went with the 5BW over the 4BW is precisely because I wanted the wheel to "twisted/contorted in a different direction and the car itself swerved violently". GM couldn't have written better ad copy to sell me this car!

There is so much here to digest I have to think we are being trolled. But on face value it's frightening that they just hand the keys over to 700hp to anyone with a check. "The lawyers" haven't killed this sort of thing yet??
well yeah, and thats what I will do now. I just won't slam the throttle down like that from 10-15 mph. In an attempt to go from 10-15 to 70 real quick.

But that's sorta my point- with the AWD F pace svr, I *could* do that. And it was fun. the fact that I can't do the same with this car- a slightly more experience(and less luxurious) car sorta sucks......

and yes I realize it's all the AWD vs RWD difference and I probably should have considered that more when buying the car. I get that. It still just sucks......

And I don't doubt that from like 50 to 120 I'm sure this car is a faster/better/more capable/whatever than the
F Pace svr. But I don't drive 120. I don't even drive 85. What I liked to do was drive really fast in spurts where it shows off the power in quick bursts but stays around the speed limit.

And due to the fact that the car is RWD, it doesn't do that very well. Not nearly as safely as much less
powerful AWD cars. So what I have is a 100k+ car that isn't as powerful or fast for my purposes as how I use it as less expensive cars, and isn't as luxurious. It also doesn't sound nearly as good, at least on the inside(probably due to sound dampening?)

But after researching it more I don't think it's a matter of "learning how to drive the car". I just don't think it
is going to be as good at that because of it being RWD. And yes I should have researched it more....I was mistaken and assumed that that would cause the car to get a slow start off the line but that once the wheels got moving(even a little), it would be ok. I was wrong, and thats my fault.

I still like things about the car. I still like having a manual for example. And I think it looks good.
Due to your comments, this car doesn't seem a good fit for you. I guess you have never experienced high horsepower RWD cars.

harrison ford jones GIF
Due to your comments, this car doesn't seem a good fit for you. I guess you have never experienced high horsepower RWD cars.

harrison ford jones GIF
Driving Rush Hour GIF
It is unbelievable how fast you can get to 70, 80 or 90 mph in this car
I can only imagine how ridiculously quick (and smooth) this is for you 5 owners. The 4BW is fairly tame and compliant until you step on it and watch boost shoot from 0psi to 12psi and all of a sudden you're doing triple digits but it feels like 50mph in the cockpit.
But I don't drive 120. I don't even drive 85
I've told my gf several times she has the more fun car ('23 GR86) despite the power difference. Both BWs are arguably too much car for daily driving. Not that they're unweildly in any sense but because I hit almost 70mph in the top of 2nd gear merging onto the highway. To @tacosman point, the high HP RWD setup is something to be respected. Like going from fast cars to a 1000cc sports bike. It's a LOT for the road with few nannies built in if you push it.

All fun comments aside, I think you can achieve the power/traction combo you're looking for with a little more effort into educating yourself on the setup. Warm tires and slipping the clutch some more will likely reward you with those strong launches and less wheelspin.
I know. Lots of reasons. Most of them lame. I have plenty of vacation time at work and I haven't been to vegas in 25 years. There are definitely a lot of reasons to go....
What the hell? Get onto it.
It still just sucks......
You are the first person to offer this feedback. Have you driven a muscle car before? This is a LEGIT track-ready muscle car. And holy shit is the pull from 15 mph 'to infinity and beyond' the most fun and exhilarating experience for driver and I assume passenger. Yes, I have said oops at around 50, occassionally, but I've learned how the car wants to be driven. There are also many MANY MANY MANY bits and doodads (buttons to push) that will help you drive the way you want. You can put the Nannies on and make your "I can push the pedal and go and not die" dreams come true. Learn about them, read the manual.

Happy driving. I hope your next drive doesn't suck.
I suspect that some buyers are too young to understand the cars that many of us were driving growing up. RWD was the normal, then AWD came along and watered down the driving experience. There is rarely a day when I drive my Blackwing that I don't get wheel spin, that's why I bought the car after all.
I suspect that some buyers are too young to understand the cars that many of us were driving growing up. RWD was the normal, then AWD came along and watered down the driving experience. There is rarely a day when I drive my Blackwing that I don't get wheel spin, that's why I bought the car after all.
I agree! Hell, I get wheel spin almost everyday in my 4BW.....It's 71 and dry in Dallas right now so going home is going to be fun! #Boostweather
I was thinking the same thing @rubberduck . We all learned and grew up with RWD. I'm not really sure there were AWD or FWD drive back in the 70's per se. I'm sure high line imports (Audi, MB, BMW) and of course pick ups. I don't think I had FWD until my 1986 Pontiac 6000 that I bought for work.

Oh the fun we had in snow storms! I still remember taking my 1982 Olds Cutlass to a snow covered Mall parking lot and doing donuts and throwing it into a skid on purpose and trying to recover. Learned a lot doing that.

Sorry, I digress. Back to present day with 668 HP.
I was thinking the same thing @rubberduck . We all learned and grew up with RWD. I'm not really sure there were AWD or FWD drive back in the 70's per se. I'm sure high line imports (Audi, MB, BMW) and of course pick ups. I don't think I had FWD until my 1986 Pontiac 6000 that I bought for work.

Oh the fun we had in snow storms! I still remember taking my 1982 Olds Cutlass to a snow covered Mall parking lot and doing donuts and throwing it into a skid on purpose and trying to recover. Learned a lot doing that.

Sorry, I digress. Back to present day with 668 HP.

Corollary to that story: In the southeast, when it would snow (rare), we all took our kids to an empty parking lot and showed them about sliding a car (hopefully RWD) all over the place. Made sure to tell them, "This is how it was driving every day up north." Terrorizing/entertaining/educating them, as the case may be. :)
I was thinking the same thing @rubberduck . We all learned and grew up with RWD. I'm not really sure there were AWD or FWD drive back in the 70's per se. I'm sure high line imports (Audi, MB, BMW) and of course pick ups. I don't think I had FWD until my 1986 Pontiac 6000 that I bought for work.

Oh the fun we had in snow storms! I still remember taking my 1982 Olds Cutlass to a snow covered Mall parking lot and doing donuts and throwing it into a skid on purpose and trying to recover. Learned a lot doing that.

Sorry, I digress. Back to present day with 668 HP.
Haha, I had a 72 Camaro and my friend had a 71 Cutlass. We would go out in the country dirt roads and drive Dukes of Hazard style, without the jumps of course. Those were some fun times.
My 5 is far and away the most powerful car I have ever driven. I do have experience in RWD cars from years ago, but nothing like this LT4 powered monster. That said, while I purposely get wheel spin every time I drive it, I never feel unstable or out of control. On the contrary, it's easy to "feel" what the car is doing and intuitively respond. And I can grow into the machine, peeling back layers of protection as my skills improve.

Before I sold my 2022 M4 Competition xDrive last year, I really got on it. Launch controls and other fun. Well, I stabbed the throttle once around a corner in an M Mode that was sort of middle of the road. Definitely still had traction control and stability control enabled. The car slid in a very unpredictable manner. I reeled it in, but honestly did not enjoy it.

I find RWD much more intuitive and enjoyable to drive.
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