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New from PA, 25 CT5V Blackwing, deep space metallic w/ cf


Jan 19, 2025
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2025 CT5V Blackwing
First post, rejoining forums for first time in years to keep up with info on these cars... just took delivery of my 2025 CT5V Blackwing this week... Deep Space Metallic, manual, CF1/2, bronze wheels, sky cool grey seats, microfiber steering wheel/shifter, ultraview roof.

stressed for months over color choice..online renderings do nothing for them once seen in person... if blaze orange was available i probably would have went with it. the bright blue and yellow i didnt like at all and id never do black or white if i could help it (and buying new you can so). Red tintcoat looks awesome in person, especially with tan interior and bronze wheels. typhoon looks super cool but i didnt think liking it would last... waking up and seeing a green car everyday. Saw one 4BW with it in person and it does look sick. surprised, and personally happy, that more buyers dont opt for the bronze mesh style wheel over the base wheel option. very pleased with deep space; in bright sun, cloud, and inside lighting - looks different shades of grey and blue depending... hoping these pictures help someone on the fence about the color as i searched but found nothing (other than a couple base CT5s).... think this may be one of the first handful examples of the color to hit the dealers.

i almost took allocation on a 24 - SOOO glad i waited for the facelift - front end is 10x better IMO, without being over the top. The infotainment/gauge screen i love.... its wide, but not overpowering or tall. everything pretty intuitive - only gripe is no volume knob (as has been posted before ive seen). i get the take of "i like the cluster better" too.

Very pleased with how quiet it is inside, even when starting the car up with exhaust open in track/v mode in a garage.

had pre-order in Nov, accepted pretty quick with allocation. built middle of december. delivered this week.

been set on one of these for a few years. had a 2011 CTSV wagon (with basic bolt ons) for 4 years a few years back too. this will join the 06 Evo, 79 Deville, 71 Camaro, 91 Eclipse, and our daily driver fusion, santa fe, and sierra. will need to put a force field around it to keep the kids away from it.

winter in pa so car wont see miles for awhile. enjoy.

front driver side.png

front end.png

front sun parking lot.png
garage lift front.png
rear close up.png
rear dealer lot.png
rear sun parking lot.png

wagon evo.png
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Congrats and welcome… dayum, all the new 25’ owners rolling in deep lately.
mine and 4 others were on the truck for my dealer this week lol been a long time coming since "available early summer 2024" was announced haha
Love all of your cars! Especially the Evo! I've owned 3 of them and need another one.
Thanks, verrry glad I never got rid of mine; almost did twice. I’m second owner, got it in 09. Love that car.
Saw your post on Facebook. I’m the one who asked about the volume knob. Welcome back.
Saw your post on Facebook. I’m the one who asked about the volume knob. Welcome back.
Figured there would be some crossover - I assume majority on that page aren’t on the old school forum though haha.
Heh, I expect to take delivery of my 5BW w/6MT this week — same color, seats, and bronze wheels. A most paradoxical color which doesn’t seem to photograph well. I’m eager to see it in person (hopefully tomorrow…)
Congrats, it looks amazing. Anyone who owns an Evo automatically gets all the "car person" credibility. I haven't driven another car like them. My father still has his '05.

Placed my order for a Drift Metallic 4BW in mid November and still waiting for an allocation. Your post gives me hope.
Heh, I expect to take delivery of my 5BW w/6MT this week — same color, seats, and bronze wheels. A most paradoxical color which doesn’t seem to photograph well. I’m eager to see it in person (hopefully tomorrow…)
Haha yea exactly why I took pics from different angles in different light; looks like different colors even in the ones above. Hope you like it as much as i do
Congrats, it looks amazing. Anyone who owns an Evo automatically gets all the "car person" credibility. I haven't driven another car like them. My father still has his '05.

Placed my order for a Drift Metallic 4BW in mid November and still waiting for an allocation. Your post gives me hope.
LOL thanks. And yes there is emotional attachment to the Evo!
Congrats, it looks amazing. Anyone who owns an Evo automatically gets all the "car person" credibility. I haven't driven another car like them. My father still has his '05.

Placed my order for a Drift Metallic 4BW in mid November and still waiting for an allocation. Your post gives me hope.
I regretted selling mine for a long time. Welcome to the party.
1gturbo - congrats - car looks great and I agree with you 100% wrt bronze wheels. Love that CTS-V wagon as well.

Always loved and respected those EVOs...but just an aside....back in the day I ran vs several (modded) ones with my Audi S4....and never lost (all were very close 1/2 car length at best). I get it that the EVOs could potentially be made way faster...but I'm always a tough out as it were....I just have the touch and my Audi was certainly not a slow poke...
1gturbo - congrats - car looks great and I agree with you 100% wrt bronze wheels. Love that CTS-V wagon as well.

Always loved and respected those EVOs...but just an aside....back in the day I ran vs several (modded) ones with my Audi S4....and never lost (all were very close 1/2 car length at best). I get it that the EVOs could potentially be made way faster...but I'm always a tough out as it were....I just have the touch and my Audi was certainly not a slow poke...
Heck yea, I haven’t raced many Audis. Never saw many of them at the track - I have alot of passes in my car - what did you run ET and mph?
Heck yea, I haven’t raced many Audis. Never saw many of them at the track - I have alot of passes in my car - what did you run ET and mph?
Not on track....just runs from a dig. I never timed the car but think it was likely mid 11s give or take. Nothing got off the line like that beast....it would pull you down to the pavement and just go....only ever got wheelspin on gravel or snow/ice...
I took my BW5 to a track a couple summers ago. At one point was up against a SUV Audi. He smoked me by nearly a full second. It was a hell of a sleeper.
First post, rejoining forums for first time in years to keep up with info on these cars... just took delivery of my 2025 CT5V Blackwing this week... Deep Space Metallic, manual, CF1/2, bronze wheels, sky cool grey seats, microfiber steering wheel/shifter, ultraview roof.

stressed for months over color choice..online renderings do nothing for them once seen in person... if blaze orange was available i probably would have went with it. the bright blue and yellow i didnt like at all and id never do black or white if i could help it (and buying new you can so). Red tintcoat looks awesome in person, especially with tan interior and bronze wheels. typhoon looks super cool but i didnt think liking it would last... waking up and seeing a green car everyday. Saw one 4BW with it in person and it does look sick. surprised, and personally happy, that more buyers dont opt for the bronze mesh style wheel over the base wheel option. very pleased with deep space; in bright sun, cloud, and inside lighting - looks different shades of grey and blue depending... hoping these pictures help someone on the fence about the color as i searched but found nothing (other than a couple base CT5s).... think this may be one of the first handful examples of the color to hit the dealers.

i almost took allocation on a 24 - SOOO glad i waited for the facelift - front end is 10x better IMO, without being over the top. The infotainment/gauge screen i love.... its wide, but not overpowering or tall. everything pretty intuitive - only gripe is no volume knob (as has been posted before ive seen). i get the take of "i like the cluster better" too.

Very pleased with how quiet it is inside, even when starting the car up with exhaust open in track/v mode in a garage.

had pre-order in Nov, accepted pretty quick with allocation. built middle of december. delivered this week.

been set on one of these for a few years. had a 2011 CTSV wagon (with basic bolt ons) for 4 years a few years back too. this will join the 06 Evo, 79 Deville, 71 Camaro, 91 Eclipse, and our daily driver fusion, santa fe, and sierra. will need to put a force field around it to keep the kids away from it.

winter in pa so car wont see miles for awhile. enjoy.

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Beautiful. Love the color. Still waiting for a production date on mine (Radiant Red). Congrats!

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