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Seasoned Member
Sep 18, 2021
Out West
I thought I'd start this thread as there's been some interesting things happening with some of these auction listings. Maybe this could be used to post future auction, used or dealer listings. As many people may be waiting at 1100 for over a year with a small dealer in a rural location, it might be worth taking a crack at a bid.

This 6speed with CF1 and base seats in Canada never met reserve at $96k

These douchbags basically drove the cars home and listed them for sale.

37 miles on the ODO

8 mile on the ODO, didn't meet reserve:

37 miles on the ODO

Wow! I remember when Dustin sold this one. It was a customer car that fell through - and he put it on FB. it got scooped up within minutes only to become a flip!
Wow! I remember when Dustin sold this one. It was a customer car that fell through - and he put it on FB. it got scooped up within minutes only to become a flip!
I wonder what the reserve is
I saw in that other post that GM is looking at motors by Crystal. Maybe it’s just all rumor and hearsay but for those collecting these cars, it would be crazy if that knocks down the value of the car because it’s associated with that person. Hopefully it’s just wrong rumor.
The used car market has seen a sharp depreciation in the last few weeks. Wholesale market prices are continuing to fall especially for premium/expensive vehicles. For those that are looking for a quick flip of their CT4/5 BW their days are limited.
My 2022 Engine was built by Crystal and almost at 700 miles… runs good and it’s a Rift color… maybe I will be the “lucky” 🤞
I think you'll be just fine. The issues with these engines so far have not been linked to how they were assembled or by whom, but moreover the parts themselves failing.

If you read more into it it turned out to be a faulty crankshaft not feeding oil to bearings properly just killing the whole motor.
I think you'll be just fine. The issues with these engines so far have not been linked to how they were assembled or by whom, but moreover the parts themselves failing.
I'm not worried, just playing along and I'll do like I always do... I'll start by doing my first oil change around 1000 miles and 1500 mile fluid change for the rear end. This is my 3rd LT4 car, so I'm comfortable.
I think you'll be just fine. The issues with these engines so far have not been linked to how they were assembled or by whom, but moreover the parts themselves failing.
And we're talking about less than 1% of all builds.
Wow! I remember when Dustin sold this one. It was a customer car that fell through - and he put it on FB. it got scooped up within minutes only to become a flip!
Yeah, I was offered this one. I passed, though. I figured let it go to another enthusiast. Doh!
Wow! I remember when Dustin sold this one. It was a customer car that fell through - and he put it on FB. it got scooped up within minutes only to become a flip!
And then the guy comments with a job issue he needs to sell. Then why buy it a few weeks earlier? Hard to feel bad for a flip gone bad.
I saw in that other post that GM is looking at motors by Crystal. Maybe it’s just all rumor and hearsay but for those collecting these cars, it would be crazy if that knocks down the value of the car because it’s associated with that person. Hopefully it’s just wrong rumor.
What other post? Are you talking about the thread where fuckwits pulled nonsense out of their ass?
Honestly the level of 'thought' beggars belief: stick to your space lasers. Some cars having faulty parts and things are going bang or needing replacement. Welcome to parts sourced wherever they can get them, at a cost and tolerance that meets the bean counter's requirements.
What other post? Are you talking about the thread where fuckwits pulled nonsense out of their ass?
Honestly the level of 'thought' beggars belief: stick to your space lasers. Some cars having faulty parts and things are going bang or needing replacement. Welcome to parts sourced wherever they can get them, at a cost and tolerance that meets the bean counter's requirements.
The post about engine failure at 288 miles. Someone there stated they we taking about engine by that person.
LOLs - Exactly, watercooler bullsit. Just like the service advisor before the GM trying to blame the crocked engine on anything other than faulty parts.

After all the goat rodeo experiences people have, with misinfo, no info, specs & dates all over the place... that they then so easily lap up what Caddy reps tell them is quite something.
LOLs - Exactly, watercooler bullsit. Just like the service advisor before the GM trying to blame the crocked engine on anything other than faulty parts.

After all the goat rodeo experiences people have, with misinfo, no info, specs & dates all over the place... that they then so easily lap up what Caddy reps tell them is quite something.
You do have a point. Hopefully it’s all hearsay and we are good.
When I picked up my car last month the salesman told me he thinks that Cadillac is keeping production levels lower on these cars to help with collectability and to make them more exclusive. That is all hearsay on the dealers part and I never really shared that here as it isn't substantiated. But I would also have to guess that most people have come to the same conclusion. If GM really wanted to build more bw's they could allocate resources differently.

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