Home Product ReviewsInterior Parts and Trim Review: WeatherTech Cargo Liner

Review: WeatherTech Cargo Liner

by Hib Halverson
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Review: WeatherTech Cargo Liner

One of the first accessories I acquired for my 2016 ATS-V was a WeatherTech Cargo Liner. They are designed to protect the carpet on the trunk floor. They do this with a raised lip which contains spills, holds dirt and debris and protects the carpet from wear and tear and they feature a textured finish that helps to keep cargo from shifting. Cargo Liners are engineered for each specific application, so there are no problems with sloppy fit. They are made of a proprietary, custom-blended, TPE which is not only wear resistant, but remains flexible under temperature extremes, so they won’t curl, crack, or harden, even in sub-zero weather. Cleanup is quick and easy. Just wipe up with a damp cloth, sponge or vacuum or, if the Cargo Liner is really soiled, remove it, wash with soap and water and let air dry.

Why does the back of my ATS-V need a Cargo Liner? Well, for one thing, my Wife’s job requires she haul around a heavy crate full of documents, office supplies and books which she needs for her work. That crate sliding around as she’s driving doesn’t do the carpet any good. The Cargo Liner, keeps it from sliding. Also, my Wife, the Fairest Sandra the Red, has a green thumb. Consequently, she’s often at Lowes picking up plants, fertilizer or cute little gnomes for our yard. The Cargo Liner is much easier when it comes time to clean up the dirt and leaves left behind after coming back from Lowes with a full load of foliage. Finally, every so often, I might use the ATS-V to carry (gasp!) car parts, such as heads off my Corvette’s LS7 going to the head porter or brake rotors off my Camaro going to the machine shop. Admittedly, I don’t use the Cadillac as a parts hauler very often, but having a WeatherTech Cargo Liner in the trunk on which to put the parts makes it real easy if some dirt or grease is left behind. All I do is pull the Cargo Liner out, wash it with some diluted Simple Green, dry it and reinstall it–no muss, no fuss! And, the Wife never finds out I used her Cadillac to haul heads and rotors.

WeatherTech Cargo Liners have a three-year warranty. My past testing shows they are incredibly durable. I have one in the cargo area of a Chevy S10 Blazer which has been there for 13 years and another in the back of a ’95 Vette which has been there for 20 years and while each shows some wear, they are still in good condition.

Cargo Liners are available for Cadillac ATS-Vs, CTS-Vs and even the XLR-V in tan or black. They meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 302. Cargo Liners are made-in-USA at a factory in Illinois.  For more information on WeatherTech products contact: MacNeil Automotive Products Limited, 841 Remington Blvd, Bolingbrook  IL  60440. Ph: 800-441-6287 Web: www.weathertech.com

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