Welcome to the Cadillac V-Series Forums!

Site Update: Welcome to the New V-Series Forums

Official Cadillac V-Net Website Update


Staff member
Nov 3, 2011
New Hampshire
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
Not Yet!
Welcome to the Cadillac V-Net's new V-Series forums!

The old vBulletin forums have been migrated to a whole new platform that offers much better security and a ton of new features and enhancements.

The forums are now much faster, easier to use and fully mobile compliant easily viewable on any hand-held device.

You can now also add Giphys to your posts by clicking on the GIF icon in the post editor when adding a new post:

Well Done Applause GIF by MOODMAN

You can also enable push notifications below to that you can be instantly notified of new responses to your threads, or new updates to any of the forums that you're following.

The old Gallery system has also been migrated over to a new Media system linked above in the red navigation bar. All of the photos in the old gallery will be migrated over to the new system.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post them in this thread. I'm still learning the new software, so I'll do my best to help you out as best I can.
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