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CT5-V Power Steering Reduced

CT5-V Model


Seasoned Member
Jan 9, 2022
Ontario, Canada
Turned the Blackwing on and was immediately met with a "Reduced Power Steering" message. The steering felt like I was in track mode.

I was driving it earlier in the day without issue. Restarted the car when I got home and no message, power steering was working.

This isn't the first time I've had odd issues that were fixed and never came back after a restart. I had my infotainment not start up 2 months ago, again a restart of the car fixed it and I haven't experienced it since.

I do not have battery issues, I always connect the car to a tender when I park it so its fully charged every time and I know how low batteries cause the cars to go nuts.

Anyone else had power steering failures?
Nothing goofy yet? We all hope for that one off but deep in the belly we know it's coming back....
I avoid the problem by not starting or driving my 5BW, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Well shit, why didn't I think of that, the solution was right there in front of me the entire time.

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