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CT4-V Open exhaust valves without burbles/pops?

Cadillac CT4-V model


Sep 25, 2024
Sebastopol, CA (North Bay)
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
Shopping for CT4-V BW. Garage: 2004 BMW 330i ZHP, 2019 Mazda MX-5 RF Club, 1981 Fiat Spider
Hey all,
I'm currently waiting for a new CT4BW to be built (while keeping an eye on used listings), so of course I'm burning time by thinking about what I'll do to the car when I finally get one. Unlike most other cars in my life, the answer here is "not much of anything". But, one thing that I really would like to change, if possible, is to remove the incessant burble/pops (or at least drastically shorten their duration) on the Track exhaust mode. I love the tone of the exhaust on Track, but I really hate that 10-second long series of pops and bangs any time you let off the throttle. It's borderline comical. A few burbles/pops is fun. 10 seconds of it is just annoying.

So: Is there any way to do either of the following:
- Reduce the duration of the burbles/pops on the Track exhaust setting
- exert manual control over the exhaust valves (so that I could put it in Sport, which has less burbles/pops, but peg the exhaust valves fully open)

All of this is based on the assumption that the "Track" exhaust noise setting simultaneously opens the exhaust valves fully and also changes the engine tune to create all those pops. I'm also assuming that the exhaust valves are not FULLY open in Sport exhaust sound mode. If either assumption is incorrect, please let me know!

Side note: is there any functional purpose to the burbles/pops? Do they keep the turbos spooled up or something?
I love the burbles. You could always coast to a stop in neutral.
@maxm50 the second 'loudest' exhaust setting has nearly the same valves open profile as track. But only very minimal pops and bangs and much less artificial noise from the speakers. Off memory the only difference in valves open is part throttle below 2500 rpm and in six gear.

Also the valves are either open or closed, there is no intermediate setting. I know it doesn't always sound like that in the car but that's due to the added noise from the speakers. The pops and bangs are purely for the theater and not functional.

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