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OEM carbon fiber from GMPG


Dec 13, 2023
I’m taking delivery of a used 5BW and want to get all the OEM CF parts (THANK YOU to everyone who posted on the Carbon fiber PN database thread, btw).

GMPartsGiant lists all 9 components. GMPartsCorp lists 8/9. Everywhere else I've checked only has 5-6.

I’m planning to order everything from GMPartsGiant, but if their service has been a dumpster fire lately I’m fine using multiple retailers. Any recent experience with GMPG, or anything I’m missing? Not looking to go aftermarket. Thanks.
The online vendors in many cases don’t have live inventory data. They have the parts, as in you called and a live person checked inventory and provided ETA?

I bought the CF wheel deflectors from GMPartsGiant and all was fine. Spoiler and splitter from my local dealer. If you have a good relationship with your dealer they will give a decent price when you factor in shipping. For these larger CF parts the shipping can be $300 easily.
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@rubberduck right you were…I called all the parts retailers before ordering and found out 2 fun facts:

1. There is zero correlation between what their websites list and what they’ll say they have in stock when you call

2. There is zero correlation between what they’ll say they have in stock when you call and what they actually have in stock when you place the order

Ordered 4 “in stock” pieces from GMPG and received an email saying they had to order 3/4

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