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From m340i to CT4 V Blackwing


Nov 1, 2023
Lancaster, MA
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2023 CT4V Blackwing
Coming from an m340i, my 3rd BMW. I had a 2013 ATS and loved it, and this car kept calling me, so I traded a 1200 mile m340i in. This is the first car in a long time that has me finding excuses to drive it - been to the grocery store 6 times in 4 days!


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Congrats! Wow M340 is no slouch. Was it a MT? Would love to hear comparisons particularly WRT performance...
The m340 is auto only. The only manual offered in any of the 3 series is in the base (I love that they call it base) M3. However, the transmission and the feel was simply awesome in that car, and my mother BMW's. The B58 engine and ZF transmission are an absolutely amazing pairing - so smooth. The car itself is every bit as fast as the 4BW, but it's a totally different "feel". It feels "quick" vs the BW, which feels "fast" and even though the 340 is blisteringly fast, it just doesn't do it in a way that makes me smile. The handling of the 340 is great as well but the handling of the BW is better (even on regular roads, I felt that way) and "feel" (that word again) of the BW is just better. The BW feels more like you are driving it, even faster and the BMW, while amazing felt sterile.

In a straight line, I actually think the 340 would beat the BW and in real world cornering, they'd be really close - I will not track the car to see the difference there - but I think the BW would win. But, to me, it was just the feeling you get when you sit in that seat and drive the car. This may be a terrible explanation but in the 340, I felt comfortable listening to CHILL 9the Sirius XM station) - it just seemed to fit. The BW, even in TOUR mode, which I have been driving around in, which is incredibly comfortable, makes me want to put on HAIR NATION or something similar.

That, to me, is the difference. And I want a car that wants to be blasting ROCK vs driving around with house music :-)
Thanks chwells for such a nice write up that really gives a good feel for each car. A few weeks ago a guy in an M340i pulled up along my GTI at a light and wanted to race but I wasn't in the mood (was in pain on the way to an emergency root canal). The car looked great and I was very impressed with his acceleration and wondered how I'd do against him he would have certainly beat me off the line...not sure up top). So I looked into specs for the car and was surprisingly impressed. I would have considered it but no MT.

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