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Belly pan removal


Seasoned Member
Sep 22, 2023
Detroit, MI
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2022 CT4-V Blackwing
I was wondering if there are any tutorials for the removal of the belly pan (under engine) on a 2022 CT4VBW? How hard is it to do? I dropped a tool down there and I cannot see it from above.
That little grabber tool with the fingers on it saved my ass a few years ago. We had just gotten up to the U.P. after an 8 hour drive. Unloaded sleds and suited up for what was the start of a multi day ride. Only pulled out of the hotel parking lot and my machine started warning beeps at me. Turned out the radiator cap popped off and was in the belly of the beast. If anyone is familiar with a snowmobile, there isn't enough room at the bottom between motor and bodywork to fit a fingernail. Somehow the radiator cap found a pocket to live in. After looking for a while we found it and luckily had those finger tools to reach it. I'd have been shacked up in a hotel for 3 days solo while all my buddies added miles and smiles if it weren't for that tool.
I have used my grabber to pull socks that had fallen behind the dresser drawer on the bottom !! With the right tool you can accomplish anything !
Ummm...apparently you all stopped after the first sentence. I can no longer see the screw driver from above. It has slide down the pan and is now somewhere under the engine. I need to remove the underbody aerodynamic pan to find it.
Got a magnet?
Allow myself to quote, myself.

Start fishing around with one and assuming the tool is metal, they'll connect. Might take a minute but likely less time than removing all the plastic.
Also, the larger more powerful magnet could be used on the plate underneath to maybe locate and move the object from below.

We all want to solve your problem without solving your question. 😜
Kinda like the front badge replacement. Some want to spend an entire afternoon figuring out how to remove the bumper so they can remove the OEM badge safely. The rest of us want to have the job done in under 10 minutes because A.D.D. Squirrel!!!
I've dropped a few tools/bolts/nuts etc. on underbody trays. I usually tap on it with the end of a rubber mallet until it falls out or ends up to where I can see it.

To your question:
I tried finding a picture, but usually it's serval 8mm speed screws. A 1/4 impact helps because it's usually quite a few.

If you do have the front on a ramp or lifted up, try the hammer trick and it usually works it's way out.
Back in my day when I worked in the family body shop, I used to wonder sometimes about the automotive engineers and what their thought process was when they designed a certain part. Take for example a simple headlight. It would sometimes take at least a half hour to get access to replace a burned out headlight bulb. On todays cars, its a half hour long job to get to a cabin air filter. The dealerships will charge you half hour labor ($60 bucks where I live) to change a $10 dollar air filter from Auto Zone that the dealer charges $50 for the same part, but OEM.
I haven't a clue what this is, but it was there from day one.


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