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CT4-V 9 Miles and in the shop(Multiple failures) - RC found(?)

Cadillac CT4-V model
They probrably just needed a wiring harness for another customer and yours was known good.
If that's true then someone just lost their motor for my car
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Just got my 23 CT4 BW the window sticker now says engine is made in USA instead of Austria and transmission is made in Mexico instead of USA. GM once again cheaping out on us big time. I also have been hearing weird clanking and grinding noises from the rear bottom portion of the car in less than 100 miles driven.
If you have a 6MT, all the Tremecs are made in Mexico. Forget what your sticker says. GM did not cheap out on you.
so what ended up being the fix to all your issues?
If you have a 6MT, all the Tremecs are made in Mexico. Forget what your sticker says. GM did not cheap out on you.
You are right my friend. After doing some research yesterday before you posted this I found out Tremec is actually a Mexican company and I felt pretty dumb. So weird how I never knew that since they've been used in muscle cars for so long.. However I still have to get that noise checked out it hasn't been doing it the last few days. I'm guessing it was just the electronic braking acting up because I noticed an exclamation point symbol pop up after the noise was made.
If you have a 6MT, all the Tremecs are made in Mexico. Forget what your sticker says. GM did not cheap out on you.
The T-5 was made by BW in the US. The T-56 was made by BW in the US until the production was moved to Mexico (Tremec) in 1998. Same box and design just different mfg location. I had to have my T-56 in my 98 Camaro rebuilt twice simply due to production teething problems with the new production facility.
The T-5 was made by BW in the US. The T-56 was made by BW in the US until the production was moved to Mexico (Tremec) in 1998. Same box and design just different mfg location. I had to have my T-56 in my 98 Camaro rebuilt twice simply due to production teething problems with the new production facility.
OK. But all the Blackwing 6MTs have been made in Mexico, that is all I was saying.
I had my Mar 20, 22 build date car in for the Rear Sensor fix today and my VIN didn't populate with the wiring harness problem.....at least in their computer yet.
That’s awesome. So there was nothing uniquely wrong about my car.

I know you only had yours for a really short time before it happened but do you remember any associated electrical-ish noises that went away after the fix? My car has been making an annoying noise for about a month, and just yesterday I got a steering assist warning so I’m wondering if it’s all related.
I know you only had yours for a really short time before it happened but do you remember any associated electrical-ish noises that went away after the fix? My car has been making an annoying noise for about a month, and just yesterday I got a steering assist warning so I’m wondering if it’s all related.
Didn’t notice any weird electrical noises. My first symptom was literally losing power steering.

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