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2024 CT5-V BW: Removal & Installation of Hood and Front Splitter?


Active Member
Sep 18, 2023
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
2024 CT5-V Blackwing
I'm looking for either recommended write-ups or videos on removal and installation of the Hood and Front Splitter.

I've never done this before on my 2024 CT5-V BW. Appreciate any help on this guys.
Hood removal process:
1. Raise hood.
2. Start vehicle.
3. Shift from neutral to first.
4. RPMs to 1500.
5. Drop the clutch and depress gas pedal fully.
6. Count to three.
7. Procedure complete.

Note: You may want to perform this procedure on a large empty grassy field to make the hood's reentry from space less destructive.
Hood removal process:
1. Raise hood.
2. Start vehicle.
3. Shift from neutral to first.
4. RPMs to 1500.
5. Drop the clutch and depress gas pedal fully.
6. Count to three.
7. Procedure complete.

Note: You may want to perform this procedure on a large empty grassy field to make the hood's reentry from space less destructive.

Darn! I just tried the above procedures, but my clutch gave out....so I could gen up enough momentum for the hood to fly off. :p

Anyone else got another procedure to remove and install the hood?

Also looking for procedures to remove and install the front splitter. Thanks.

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