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  1. basa

    CT5-V You wait and then you get lucky.

    More interested on knowing how long the OP's reply will be 🤣
  2. basa

    CT5-V You wait and then you get lucky.

    lol yes! This thread came up in the WHAT'S NEW 🤷‍♂️
  3. basa

    CT5-V Massive Intake?

    so a lid + this intake will prob give us all the whine we keep whining about not having
  4. basa

    CT5-V You wait and then you get lucky.

    shit..imagine if you were bored? congrats!
  5. basa

    Somebody Make This Already- Deflector

    that's the same I thought..It's so expensive, but I will be staying OEM.
  6. basa

    CT5-V Massive Intake?

    I guess everyone missed the dyno video with these big pipes and the dyno sheet in their site.
  7. basa

    CT5-V Why is the exhaust so quiet inside?

    make a few holes on the exhaust pipe right under the driver's floor.
  8. basa

    CT5-V Why is the exhaust so quiet inside?

    rip out all the insulation.
  9. basa

    Wanted WTB CT4V Blackwing 6-speed

    ❤️ you know you want a Velocity Red one!
  10. basa

    Wanted WANTED: 4 Blackwing Wheels Satin Graphite (black)

    do the 4bw and 5bw use same size wheels?
  11. basa


    I have the Satin Graphite color and was thinking of switching to the bronze too, not for the color, but more for the design of the wheel. Wonder if someone has made that wheel in 20inch instead of 19.
  12. basa

    Anderson Composites vs..

    Your last line is spot on. The price for the OEM splitter is fair, but almost 1k for the tiny deflectors is crazy.
  13. basa

    Anderson Composites vs..

    Debating on going with OEM or the Anderson. Adding the 2 side deflectors, make the OEM one over $3,300
  14. basa

    Carbon Fiber Front Lip Installation 5BW

    2 years later, noob here trying to figure out the same thing. What’s the difference between those 2 part numbers?
  15. basa

    CarPlay connectivity

    I know this is an issue of thread but figured post anyway in case someone has the same issue. My CarPlay was working fine wireless till the day I activated OnStar. Poking around I noticed my Hotspot was disabled, I then called Onstar and asked to check if my car’s WiFi was disabled, in...
  16. basa

    CT5-V Blackwing vs. Ioniq 5 N

    do you prefer food from a microwave or stove?
  17. basa

    Carbon fiber PN database.

    Seems like the part number for the rear wing has changed. Some sites say that part is discontinued.
  18. basa

    How to get more WHINE!!

    has more people removed the 3 plates under the lid?
  19. basa

    Wanted Red 4BW 6spd

    Hi guys, a friend of mine is looking to buy a Red 4BW 6sp. Please reply or PM me if you're interested in selling. Thanks, -Bruce
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