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  1. btown

    Check engine light at 900 miles

    To me, I think the dealer’s attention should be less related to the cost, and more related to the fact they’ve barely owned the car. I would have contacted my sales rep and raised hell. Then let him/her sort through the service team’s priorities on your behalf. They just made a lot of money off...
  2. btown

    Cadillac Smart Driver and Privacy Concerns

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/09/technology/driver-scores-insurance-data-apps.html Good article on this today. Some good resources to improve your privacy.
  3. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    Update: I was able to convince the dealer to replace the seatbelt retractor. When I picked it up the difference was immediately obvious. Not only was the squeak gone the belt just felt more like it should. It was no longer tight to pull out. So I’m happy with the result even though it took...
  4. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    Gummy stuff didn’t fix the sunroof wind noise but I did put it on all the door gaskets based on your recos. Scheduled another visit on the seat belt. Found out the guy just replaced the trim piece not the retractor. I hate when techs that don’t listen when you give well thought-out problem...
  5. btown

    Horn Issues

    Scheduled some recall work and mentioned my clown horn and the tech immediately said “yeah 1 of the horns dying makes it sound like that, we’ve seen a few of those”. So that went on the list along with a new seatbelt retractor. Ssholiday and others were right. Something is off. Beep beep!
  6. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    Unfortunately my seat belt retractor squeak is back. Came back the third time after it was "fixed" - guess I celebrated too soon. It isn't near as loud - guessing he just sprayed it with something versus actually f-ing fixing it right. I'm too old - I remember when most people actually cared...
  7. btown

    Horn Issues

    I am going to hit the dealership next week and simple ask to honk one on the lot - mine just sounds wrong and very light - like if someone is pulling over on me and has their radio on (not blasting - just on - they won't hear me honk.) If anyone has a good aftermarket one - easy to install -...
  8. btown

    Horn Issues

    So I have a 4BW 2023. I honked my horn for the first time in a while yesterday. It sounded like a clown car horn. I mean it is seriously weird sounding. My wife laughed for about 5 miles. I assume something it wrong but hoping someone could verify theirs sounds normal.
  9. btown

    CT4-V Steering wheel heater LED bulb burnt out

    Good point. Wish it had multi-levels like the seats. Haven’t seen any other so I know that’s an unreasonable ask.
  10. btown

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Wow. Where did you get that car cover?
  11. btown

    My Cadillac app oil life critical

    The app sucks. GM hasn’t figured out the basics yet. I’ve had login issues like crazy and won’t delete old cars I don’t own. Etc etc etc. I deleted it and have never looked back. lol. p.s. I hope your car is fine. I suspect it is but you still have my best wishes.
  12. btown

    CT4-V Steering wheel heater LED bulb burnt out

    I have a heated steering wheel in mine. And I have one in a Denali and a previous car. The 4BW seems really hot to me. Recently drove a regular XT4 (loaner) and it was comfortable too. Anyone else notice it being overly hot or am I just a wimp?
  13. btown

    I see a lot of people not liking the sunroof option

    Sunroof in every car I’ve owned since college. Don’t give a hoot how cool the car is without it. I like it so I require one. I don’t like convertibles (contacts + dust, and hate the way they look with the top up) but I like the idea of openness of my car. So an open sunroof with windows down...
  14. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    Mine wasn’t a squeaky seat. It was the seatbelt retractor.
  15. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    See update on OG post.
  16. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    Never heard of anyone but would be useful to have ”a rattle guy”…. :)
  17. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    Finally got my car to the dealer: sunroof noise = “it needs a new seal but they are back ordered“ new software update =“nope. No new updates available.” seatbelt squeak =“tech couldn’t hear it even on the highway”. Me: “that’s why I asked you to let me show the tech how to reproduce it. Also...
  18. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    I found mine loose right after I bought it - not because of a noise - I was taping my parking pass (that usually goes on as a mirror hanger) to the piece. I could tell it was loose and popped it on securely. I think if I can resolve the seatbelt squeak I’ll be satisfied. I can live with the...
  19. btown

    Fit and Finish Issues - '23 4BW

    Yes. If I hold the belt away from me, when I’m moving side to side (during bumps) it doesn’t make the sound. That’s why I don’t think it is the seat. Also I can replicate it sitting buckled in the seat with the car off/still, if I sway back and forth just like when I’m driving over the bumps...
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