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  1. theprototype

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Be careful with this. Starting it up backed in will blow a ton of carbon monoxide into your garage before you leave. At least make sure you're leaving right away but I wouldn't even risk that.
  2. theprototype

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Yep good eye! Looks like they’ve already posted it online
  3. theprototype

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Yep, would’ve preferred ICE but it is what it is Ive heard of similar issues over on hummerchat. Mainly with people that are charging on public chargers. Going to try to give myself the best chance of success by charging only at home
  4. theprototype

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    I sold it :(. Traded her in for a new hummer suv. Completely different vibe than the blackwing but still appeals to the boy inside me and is badass, just in a different way. The blackwing will always hold a place in my heart.
  5. theprototype

    Anyone installed the Anderson carbon fiber hood on their BW ?

    Love the vent look. At the very least it’s a throwback to the past V’s. If I end up keeping my 5 long term I’d seriously consider getting one and getting it paint matched
  6. theprototype

    CT5-V 2023 CT5 Blackwing Engine Failure (Shavings)

    They said they brought in a special GM tech from Chicago or something. He's been doing diagnostics on it for the past 2 weeks, the dealership themselves had the car for the 2 weeks prior. It was parts vs motor once the tech had gotten there but beyond that it was their call. I'm just the messenger
  7. theprototype

    CT5-V 2023 CT5 Blackwing Engine Failure (Shavings)

    Would if I could, GM technician made the call to just replace those parts. I guess if they had found something more significant they would have but still couldn't really find what was causing the problem.
  8. theprototype

    Is this just Cadillac quality or do I have bad luck

    So I'm in a similar situation, just posted in the other thread, where I've taken my car to the dealer probably 4+ times now for an oil burning issue that they can't seem to get resolved. This time it's been in the shop for >30 days. The problem isn't nearly as severe as yours have been but...
  9. theprototype

    CT5-V 2023 CT5 Blackwing Engine Failure (Shavings)

    My car has currently been in the shop for 30+ days as well due to engine oil problems. They’re replacing the pistons, piston valves, and something else to try and fix it. Also the 4th or so time I’ve taken it to them for this problem. I think I’d qualify for the lemon law deal but I’m on the...
  10. theprototype

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Nope and they know better than to try to link the two. Exhaust sounds great, wish I had the car so I could hear it and not this 4 cylinder loaner I’ve had the past few weeks.
  11. theprototype

    Is this a "leave well-enough alone" situation?

    They gotta fix that. Not acceptable in such an expensive luxury vehicle
  12. theprototype

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Going on week 3 at the dealership trying to find out why it’s burning through oil. Yay for me! Engine is apparently out of the car at this point and being taken apart. Good times
  13. theprototype

    Custom fabricated exhaust

    I think it should’ve come stock this way. I drive it in my mode with exhaust maxed 95% of the time and switch to tour so it’s quiet when I pull into the neighborhood. Very different than stock and very loud, lots of pops/burbles. I don’t think I would want it any louder.
  14. theprototype

    What’s next?

    My car does this too. I’ve found out that holding onto the shifter seems to dull it. No idea what the connection is as the sound seems to come from the dash somewhere but it’s starting to get on my nerves too
  15. theprototype

    Anyone else having engine oil issues?

    For going on the past year now I've been getting low engine oil warnings on the car. I've taken it to the dealership, thankfully still under warranty, probably 5 times now for this. The first few times they checked and said there was nothing wrong and just did oil changes on the car. Somewhere...
  16. theprototype

    EV Thoughts Thread: cause the old farts did their usual thing

    I’m gonna be honest I’m strongly considering trading in my 5BW for a cybertruck. I could care less about the hype, I just actually like the looks and miss the space and utility of a truck/SUV which I haven’t had since my 4Runner in 2006. The fact that it would be faster and AWD are bonuses. I...
  17. theprototype

    Cadillac V-Club

    Is there any way to see the events put on by the Texas chapter? Never heard about it discussed on here, I’d be interested in joining. Would have to be closer to Houston than Dallas tho but definitely interested
  18. theprototype

    Car & Driver

    The reason IMO is I think we have award burnout lol. We’ve been showered with praise for these cars for the past few years winning another top10 award isn’t really garnering as much attention as it should. But it truly is a remarkable achievement.
  19. theprototype

    Needs moar sound

    Kinda defeats the purpose of a sedan, no?
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