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  1. D

    I'm a liar

    No prob, bro. Enjoy that Ford interior, too.
  2. D

    I'm a liar

    Ah yes, a $50K supercar. There's a reason why those depreciate like they do, but enjoy it while the dew is on the roses. A screamin' deal is still a screamin' deal, right?
  3. D

    Wheel Upgrade

    He's mad about everything... his post history is nothing but negativity and the same three overused gifs. Don't let it get to you- at least you're contributing knowledge and sharing experiences, instead of just pooh-pooh'ing everything.
  4. D

    Wheel Upgrade

    What's the weight difference between the factory wheel and these?
  5. D

    4BW died at 1500 miles

    I got rid of my CT5-V Blackwing because I finally got an allocation for my 992.1 S (with a manual, of course). When I traded it in on my Acura Integra Type S, the paperwork guy couldn't understand why I was trading it for the Integra, but as soon as I mentioned the 911 allocation, I got a "oh...
  6. D

    5BW 6MT Performance Driving

    When I was finally beating the shit out of the car at the Spring Mountain V-Performance school (on the second day I was finally "working it"), I noticed the exact same thing. Whereas perviously I was mainly in 3rd and 4th gear the entire time on the track (which was fast enough, and I was the...
  7. D

    Check engine light at 900 miles

    I never gave the pros vs. cons of using an attorney. All I said was that I successfully lemoned three cars without the use of an attorney. If you want to use an attorney, go ahead, but for every day you waffle on what you want to do is another day wasted. All I know is when the law states that...
  8. D

    Check engine light at 900 miles

    California Lemon Law covers used cars as long as they are still under warranty. Why someone wouldn't want to get the ball rolling is beside me. As someone who has successfully lemoned three vehicles without the use of an attorney, it's much easier and straightforward that people think if you...
  9. D

    Check engine light at 900 miles

    Isn't Cadillac supposed to be positioned as a luxury brand? When my Jeep was in the shop for over a month (!), I was given a loaner the day I brought it in. Sure it sucked having to drive an Enterprise Durango instead of my 6-speed manual 2-door Rubicon Wrangler, but at least I was accommodated...
  10. D

    Check engine light at 900 miles

    I would drive it (or tow it) to the dealership and let it sit there until they look at it. Once it's there, the 30-day window starts ticking for them to repair the problem. The sooner you start the lemon process the better- there's no reason not to. If they fix it... great. If not, the longer...
  11. D

    break pedal can the height be lowered

    he likes to roll with no capital letters and no punctuation with no brakes
  12. D


    I wondered the same thing. Either way, he didn't get it for "$11k off MSRP", he bought a used CT5-V Blackwing for the current market price.
  13. D


    It was used, as per his previous posting. Given, it had eight (8) miles on it (as per his post), but it's still a used purchase. As much as the market has softened, you ain't getting $11k off a new CT5-V Blackwing.
  14. D

    Used Value Trend

    Not just any old Civic, but a Civic Type R! The Type S, much like the Type R, is only available with a manual transmission, and one of the best in the biz. Sure it's FWD, but everything else makes up for it.
  15. D

    Used Value Trend

    I will say that my Acura Integra Type S is even more enjoyable to drive than my CT5-V was, and the jury's still out if the Acura is more enjoyable to drive than my 911 Carrera S (with a manual, of course) is. I've only got about 150 miles on the 911, but there's just something about the Type S.
  16. D

    Not a fan of stickers but I have plate frames to choose from!

    Shoutout to my fellow detention bros, circa 1988.
  17. D

    Not a fan of stickers but I have plate frames to choose from!

    I'm going out on a limb and saying Stormtroopers of Death, not System of a Down.
  18. D

    I have become "that guy"

    Next thing you know, you're going to be complaining about targeted ads based on your web browsing history and report the site admins to Facebook.
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