Consumer loyalty isn't what it used to be, either. If a dealer out of my area is selling for considerably less than my local dealer, I'm traveling. If someone from out of the area is willing to pay more at my local dealer, they will sell to them. The idea of establishing a relationship with a...
Are you 100% sure the dealer used the correct oil? I usually go back to the last thing that changed and start there. I'd either learn to do the change myself or find a good independent shop that you trust for things like oil changes.
Doesn't sound at all like a rod knock, its a ticking lifter. Rod bearing failure comes from the bottom and is a heavy metal to metal knock and sometimes isn't consistent, meaning it sometimes it isn't present at idle for instance.
I have an M6 but drove an A10 at Spring Mountain. The A10 is a fantastic transmission, no question, but I probably would have looked around a bit more at my options. With the manual I couldn't write the check fast enough.
The market is normalizing, this is totally expected. The...
I thought it was a little bit irresponsible to spend $106k on a sedan the first time around, but if you don't have one yet, I highly recommend you do. However, doing it again and going out of pocket 10's of 1,000's of dollars in transaction costs just to "upgrade" to an EV dash? Man alive...
I guess if you live in a snow state you have a fine reason to buy an outback, but otherwise when I see a middle aged dude rolling a white outback, I think of him as the polar opposite of an enthusiast and judge him harshly for his choices ;)
3/4 view is usually the money shot. Ever notice on the freeway how good cars look from the back, one lane over? The seated position perspective is partly why, so get down low, but not too close. Avoid bright mid-day lighting.
I'm looking for a picture of the 5BW engine bay with the plastic engine covered removed. I need to see the factory routing of a few lines. Anyone have one?
I race motorcycles at Laguna and I'm absolutely amazed by the location of the brake markers and how little time is spent in the brakes in any of the corners. Going to T2 I started to have a panic reaction cuz the dude still had the throttle matted 150 meters before the apex!!
I don't have rust either, but I don't live in Michigan and I suspect its winter driving that is causing this. My thinking says a replacement will eventually do the same thing so better to avoid the time and energy and just neutralize the rust and then hit it with some matte high heat paint.
At the risk of a circular argument, how do you know the 4BW doesn't? I don't know if the 5BW does or does not, but the thread 650 mentioned and Savagegeese I tend to think it does. Like I said, they spent a considerable amount of time with Cadillac engineers before they made that video so I'll...
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