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  1. D

    Fender Bender

    The latter. It's the same feeling that your car drives smoother after you wax it. Sucks that it happened, but try not to worry yourself about it.
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    Dealers That Are Not Charging Above MSRP

    There shouldn't be any add-ons when ordered from Sewell. I guarantee that you didn't talk to Dustin.
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    Though market adjustments were a thing of the past? Not in Florida

    What's up with the steering wheel badge just saying "2020 " instead of "86-020"? Is it because it's a special edition and not a "regular production model"?
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    Did my wife break my CT5 Blackwing?

    After driving someone else's CT5-V manual around Spring Mountain at the V-Performance Academy, I can say with complete certainty that any damage that you think your wife might have caused is only in your head.
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    Separating CT4-V CT5-V CT6-V Blackwings

    We should be uniting, not dividing, during the Holiday season. However, I think that the manual-equipped CT5-V Blackwing should have its own forum since it's the best.
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    Does anyone have this Option? Is it worth having?

    I had no plan to track my Blackwing, and after doing the V-Performace Academy, I realized that I would never drive any vehicle I own like that, ever. The amount of "abuse" that these cars can take, along with their capabilities and ability to perform at that level repeatedly and reliably was...
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    Does anyone have this Option? Is it worth having?

    According to the good folks at the V-Performance academy, in order to get all the Blackwing's telemetry data, the PDR needs to be ordered. You're not going to get the PDR data to any aftermarket camera, and the non-PDR cars don't have all of the sensors on them, so all that in-depth info you're...
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    Picking up 24 CT5-V Blackwing

    I did the same thing... bought the CT5-V Blackwing in from Sewell in Dallas and drove it home to Miami with a stop halfway. The best thing regarding break-in is what Dustin told me to do- every 30 minutes, take an exit ramp and then get back on. That'll give you the varying engine RPM and load...
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    Dealer damaged my roof lining?!?

    Looks like the snowflake just got triggered over a mask and is digging in.
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    Dealers That Are Not Charging Above MSRP

    Gotta ask, automatic or stick?
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    Parking Package features explanation when equipped with the 6spd Manual Ct5v Blackwing

    Whoops- at least I got the vibrating seat part correct. You know what they say about the internet... the best way to find a correct answer is to post an incorrect answer (only took a couple of months, though).
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    Dealers That Are Not Charging Above MSRP

    Ain't the end of good times until they start discounting the CT5-V with the manual transmission.
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    Spring Mountain Track Times

    CT5 6M East Bowl Best lap time 1:19.3 Autocross: 29:31
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    Alright, which one of you sick bastards was this?!?!?

    The funny thing is that the last two times I've taken my CT5-V Blackwing out, it was for the express purpose of picking up some weed.
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    Official Cyber Yellow Thread

    The Honda Insight vibe is strong in this color.
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    Anyone else get this notification?

    If it wasn't for the time spent with my esteemed colleagues on this forum whilst engaging in my morning constitutional, I might have concerned myself with the text and email I received for this very issue.
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    Parking Package features explanation when equipped with the 6spd Manual Ct5v Blackwing

    HD Surround Vision1 gives you the overhead view when you're backing up, whereas the standard equipment is just the rear camera. Without it, you still have parking sensors front and rear, but have just the rear camera. With the HD Surround Vision1, you have 360° reversing and low speed...
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    I am not sure I love my 5BW

    With a 2011 Audi S4 as the benchmark for vehicle standards, it's easy to see how the CT5-V Blackwing just doesn't compare.
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    Spring Mountain Impressions

    Yep... picked it up from Sewell in Dallas at the end of April and drove it back home to South Florida. I got the email today that some additional dates opened up, and within 15 minutes, that day was taken! The next available date was September 18-19, but that was for the A10. Jahna got me in...
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