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  1. P

    Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

    Because of than damn picture I am still wasting time on the configurator 😆
  2. P

    Beautiful CT4-V Blackwing Powerbands

    Also curious about your confidence in pumping out a reliable 91oct track tune for day long sessions.
  3. P

    Is there a way to always have rev match on?

    It would just take some sort of module who auto-presses on the button every start up like I have for the stop/start on my VW Atlas. https://www.b2bfab.com/fr/products/startstopsolutionvwatlascrosssport It could be true about they didn't want to pay the rights to have it work on start up. In my...
  4. P


    Welcome, I'm also new, buying a 4BW in the next few days and have orders placed for a personaly specced one. Do you have experience with similar cars and how would you compare the 4BW with them ?
  5. P

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Good lord I need this setup 🥹
  6. P

    Vibration When Braking (Problem and Fix)

    That's pretty unusual, did someone drive your car and could of done something intense with it ?
  7. P

    Vibration When Braking (Problem and Fix)

    Pad deposit from the Street/Track OEM compound for sure. What is your track experience, beginners or even sometimes experienced drivers who get a bad habit with a new car will overbrake and contribute to this problem.
  8. P

    Feels a little slow

    Yep Blackwings are right on top of the game where BMW were 20 years ago. Everyone I talk to who owned and tracked an E90 M3 say that they loved that car vs the newer M's. The last great ones that could be baught reasonably were the 2019 M3/4 CS and afterwards it's been all M for marketing. BMW...
  9. P

    Feels a little slow

    If you want the 500hp feel, the M3 Auto is the car to get and it in Xdrive it's a real rocket. Should be able to comment soon on the big differences when I get my hands on a 4BW after owning an AWD M4 last year + a 6MT M3 this year.
  10. P

    Media dumps

    Car is in status 4B00 at dock so it could be here in a week or could be months... Of course dealer told me 1-3 weeks but when I got more info from managers in other dealers they told me how it could be. Crossing 🤞
  11. P

    Media dumps

    I missed a manual one in my city by 1 day, there is another one in transit I have a deposit on and there is a manual base one selling over MSRP 🙄 I look like I'm in a hurry and it's because I still have 3 track days already booked this summer and don't want to miss them because I sell my car.
  12. P

    Media dumps

    Thanks, since I got a really good offer for my M3 I'm unloading it tomorrow and picking up an Auto 4BW for now, I have at least 5 reservations for a 2024 6MT to my specs so my chances of getting an allocation are pretty good. I can't wait to try the damn thing, I test drove an SS 1LE and it...
  13. P

    I’ve found the secret sauce (track pads)

    I think this just shows that GM put some real good pads on the car from the factory like they do on 1LE, ZL1 etc. The SR11 pad is after all an endurance pad made to work at high temps for long periods of time so what he's experiencing seems to make sense.
  14. P

    Tracking your V-Performance Ride = Big $$$

    It's really the easiest caliper to replace the pads in existence, same design as the AP/Essex BBK I had on my M2. On the new G80 M3 I need to carry wires and a battery to retract the rear parking brake 🙄
  15. P

    Tracking your V-Performance Ride = Big $$$

    Your brake vibration is probably 99% pad deposit, I had it worsening with the EBC Blue and it went away when I installed the Pagid and they hate trough the layer that was uneven. Drive your car on the street with the SR11 and after a while they should eat trough the OEM pad layer.
  16. P

    Tracking your V-Performance Ride = Big $$$

    I don't understand the 1k for front suspension configuration, I taught you just punch the pins, lossen the top plate, push them as far as you can and get an alignment done. It shouldn't be a 1k job. Anyways thanks for sharing this with us, I am not as diligent as you on keeping my expenses of...
  17. P

    I’ve found the secret sauce (track pads)

    I ordered the ones I posted about in my last posts so we will eventually know if they are the right pads.
  18. P

    I’ve found the secret sauce (track pads)

    How was the fit of the rear pads ?
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