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  1. P

    Help! Suggestions Needed for Low Profile SA2020 Helmet

    I'm 6ft and in the 4BW with sunroof I have now my HJC helmet is like 1/4-1/2 inch from the roof depending on the clothes I wear. In every other car I've been that had similar clearance I was always hitting my head and couldn't wait to get out. In the 4BW I lock the seat belt pretty hard and...
  2. P

    Used Value Trend

    A 7th Gen Camaro with good visibility at a decent price would be pretty cool, they already made the platform for the Blackwings anyways. As for a performance Caddy, I honestly don't know how much better they can do then this, my car shopping these days is made between Porsche and Blackwings for...
  3. P

    Used Value Trend

    Yes but plenty of not so knowledgable normal ppl buy M3s, AMGs etc. Cadillac V6 super sedan.. not so much. The 4BW was born a decade too late.
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    Used Value Trend

    It's incredible how this car in particular (even worse the A10s) is under appreciated from the general public. Mass market is way to far gone into the tech/flashy Instagramable marketing hyping trends to appreciate the passion of driving put into the 4BW..
  5. P

    The future Blackwing

    Yes Cadillac/GM doesn't have the big european market like the germans for still popular sedans in 5 series format.
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    Media dumps

    It's supernaturaly good I agree, you feel like your hands are the tires and they obey your will vs in the M3 your ass gives you more info than the steering.. both cars have tremendous grip but one asks you to have full faith while the other builds confidence in yourself while it lets you access...
  7. P

    Media dumps

    Almost wondering if they tested on muschy winter tires..
  8. P

    Media dumps

    Jethro is fine reviewer that I always enjoy reading or listening to but this one just weird, I owned and tracked M340i, M4 Comp and M3 6MT there steering is not communicative at all, the 4 Blackwing I would say sits between the new Ms and Porsche 718/911. Porsche giving the most road feel, at...
  9. P

    CT5-V 5BW v. 4BW

    I really enjoyed listening to this !
  10. P

    Car & Driver

    I agree my Blackwing is by far the most fun to drive, I mean the 718 GTS was very good to drive but didn't have on top that little hooligannism nature built into it. The Blackwing you want to do funky stuff with it and mash the gas just for the fun of it.
  11. P

    The future Blackwing

    It's a car that would of been very popular 15-20 years ago
  12. P

    The future Blackwing

    They will wait to update the CT4
  13. P

    EV Thoughts Thread: cause the old farts did their usual thing

    Remove the battery, put a V12 in the bed and a middle finger print on the roof. Just kidding, own 2 Phevs and really love them (X5 and CX-90) it's the absolute perfect setup for our use case, I need the dependibility of fuel/gas to cope with remote areas I go to + deal with our -30C weather but...
  14. P

    Anyone Bought the CF Fenders yet? Savage Cadillac

    I can't imagine much weight can be saved there.. if it's asthetic reasons..
  15. P

    Miles Per Gallon road test

    On my few trips with the A10 4 I observed the same thing, these cars drink A LOT more fuel as soon as you step on it even a little bit.
  16. P

    m340i to 4 Blackwing...why?

    Have to agree the M340i was one of the best daily driver I ever owned and mine being Canadian spec had extended merino leather 2 tone Fiona, nothing to say about the seats for its function. If I wouldn't be into track days I'd probably still own this car but would probably daily my A10...
  17. P

    m340i to 4 Blackwing...why?

    Replacing, baught a stock at last summer because I couldn't find an MT, this one is ordered to my specs, Suede buckets, No sunroof, Argent Silver.
  18. P

    m340i to 4 Blackwing...why?

    I owned a 2018 M2, 2020 M340i, 2022 M4C (AT), 2018 718 Cayman GTS, 2023 M4 CSL (Briefly, not tracked), 2023 M3 (6MT) and now 2023 CT4-V Blackwing (AT), incoming 2024 CT4-V Blackwing (6MT). I took them all to the track and I will just say the Blackwing is unbeatable as a driver's car that is...
  19. P

    CT4 Front Dive Planes

    This has been discussed before and if I recall correctly another forum member even put out pictures, I think the easiest path would be to replace your bumper with the CF option one. I think he bought one to use as a guide for the holes and returned it afterwards.
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