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Recent content by Worldrider

  1. Worldrider

    What would you do?

    I suspect you’re posting here to assuage your guilt. Next time, hit the V button twice and educate the poor fellow, as any gentleman should.
  2. Worldrider

    CT5-V I’m Back! Picked Up A 2025 MT CT5V BW

    275/35R19 all around? New rims as well I assume.
  3. Worldrider

    CT5-V I’m Back! Picked Up A 2025 MT CT5V BW

    Please report back on the performance of your Vredstein set? As much as I loathe the idea of winter driving my ‘wing on Ontario’s salty roads, I really miss driving the beast, so am looking for options…
  4. Worldrider

    CT5-V Anyone running 325 width rears?

    Have you looked at 18 inch options?
  5. Worldrider

    Spring Mountain Impressions

    In a CT5-V Blackwing manual, the first day I was hitting around 115 mph by the end of the straight. Then I did a ridealong, and watched him hit 127 mph. The next day, with massively more confidence in the brakes, I hit 128 mph (apparently faster than the Corvettes). The performance of these big...
  6. Worldrider

    Cadillac Smart Driver and Privacy Concerns

    I think GM owes you more than just an apology…
  7. Worldrider

    Spring Mountain Impressions

    I attended the Spring Mountain class last week. It exceeded my expectations on pretty much every level. I hit 128 miles an hour on the east track straight, and was still probably braking too soon. These cars really are weapons, and I left with a new level of respect for the engineering that went...
  8. Worldrider

    I have become "that guy"

    Your fedora has already been shipped to your home/long-term care residence. 🎩
  9. Worldrider

    Media dumps

    Goddamn. My New Year's resolution is to only say nice things about people. But Fuck it... this guy is just as annoying to listen to as Doug DeMuro. I suspect they're both nice guys, but my time is too precious to waste listening to these nails-on-a-chalkboard annoying voices. I gave him...
  10. Worldrider

    Anyone know how many 2023 CT4BWs and CT5Bws were produced ?

    I’d love to see the numbers. Partly for personal curiosity, but mainly for the future… if I can ever manage to let go of this beast, some potential buyers will pay a hefty premium if they can be convinced production was truly limited.
  11. Worldrider

    4BW destroys Mustang in 1/4 mile

    Any time spectators can walk away after watching a speeding Mustang, it’s a good day.
  12. Worldrider

    Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

    It’s pretty amazing how far the technology has come in the past half century or so…
  13. Worldrider

    The dark side of blackwing ownership

    My other car had just under 4000 units produced over its entire production run, and it had a fairly strong and healthy aftermarket. That’s partially because it was assumed owners would pony up the costs, but also because there existed problems that the OEM would not solve so there was a need for...
  14. Worldrider

    PSA: I have car OCD.

    My priority was to retire early, so I never bought a new car and let someone else pay for the depreciation. I bought a “new to me” car every 5-10 years, only because I’ve been a car nut since I was a young child and it’s my hobby (and you don’t have to financially justify your hobbies). The...
  15. Worldrider

    Media dumps

    Cool quote in this Porsche Spyder RS article: “By virtue of it's multitudinous and symphonic intake notes, the Spyder RS is perhaps the best-sounding thing on the road right now (though, perhaps, Lamborghini’s Huracan V-10, Ferrari’s N/A V-12, and the brooding thundercloud stuffed under the...
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