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Recent content by sonny200

  1. sonny200

    Absolute Dearth of All-Season Tires for CT5-V Blackwing

    US Wheel Adapters. 5x120, look for hubcentric (without lip) & specify the thickness you want.
  2. sonny200

    Absolute Dearth of All-Season Tires for CT5-V Blackwing

    It's a combination of not rubbing the inner liner and also clearing the fender. 5-6 mm is perfect. Agreed that the spacer gives the rear a more aggressive stance.
  3. sonny200

    Secret/Hidden compartments

    Have you looked at ProClip USA? I use them on my F-150 & Genesis GV80. This is just the mount itself from their website: Need to add the right phone holder that is customized to the size of your phone.
  4. sonny200

    Secret/Hidden compartments

    Cross Breed Holster inside the waistband holster for my S&W Bodyguard 2.0 that is laying there upside down. The edge of the holster sits below the carpet line & with the weapon holstered, the partially exposed rail sits right up against the edge of the carpet. It DOES NOT move even in the most...
  5. sonny200

    Secret/Hidden compartments

    Under the floormat in the trunk, there are cut-outs in the foam that can be used for hidden storage. I keep a tire plug kit, portable air pump & the owner's manual back there. Underneath the trunk foam is some space to hide things as well but then you have to worry about contacting some of the...
  6. sonny200

    Does A Radar Detector Help Anymore?

    If the PDR is present, then no need for a dashcam.
  7. sonny200

    Does A Radar Detector Help Anymore?

    And instead of just relying on the suction cups on the OEM mount, I got round 3M double-sided tape ($5 for a whole sheet from Amazon) & taped the suction cups to the winshield. Not as elegant as the fancy mirror mount that costs an arm & a leg but does just as good of a job. Moreover, it hides...
  8. sonny200

    Picked up my 2025 BW in Seattle today

    (Another) Subbie fan in the house! Lovin that red bugeye! I had an '05 STi (in WRB) & loved it. On a factory tour of Subbie of America in Cherry Hill, NJ in '07, I pointed out the WRX hatch they had & told the rep if they made an STi version, I'd be one of the first to get one. She looked at me...
  9. sonny200

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    She was probably still oblivious. Even had she noticed your signaling, she probably would have thought you were being an A-hole bc she didn't even know what she did. Driving defensively is the only way to be these days. Glad to hear nothing bad happened!
  10. sonny200

    Cargo organizer

    I use this from Amazon -- Amazon.com I have it only 1/2 open to have it fit in the trunk with the Modern Spare I have back there. It sits to one side of the trunk wedged between the spare & the inside edge of the trunk. Does not move. Has held up very well. Can't beat it for $20
  11. sonny200

    Media dumps

    I wonder what the sales numbers are for the 4BW vs the 5BW? My feeling is most people will tend towards the 5BW. If this is the case, the 4BW will probable appreciate in value in the long run over the 5BW bc of rarity -- especially a 6MT.
  12. sonny200

    Media dumps

  13. sonny200

    Does A Radar Detector Help Anymore?

    In the areas I frequently traverse in North Carolina, my V1 Gen 2 has saved my bacon so many times I cannot count. Very, very few law enforcement around here use laser or even instant on. I guess they get enough speeders with unmarked vehicles &/or speed traps as it is. I am very thankful the...
  14. sonny200

    The Blackwing Spotting Thread

    Spotted at the Morrisville C&C. Looks like it was from Wilmington. I wish we could get the canards on the 5BW. Make the car look so much more aggressive.
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