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Recent content by jfk33

  1. J

    Product Review: Corsa Exhaust CT4 Blackwing review

    I'm receiving part 2 or the shipment today and have plans to throw it on in a week from now. Bought it on faith that Corsa will put out a quality product and sound (I never trust YouTube vids to give a good idea of in-person sound) and it sounds like it was a good bet!! Great review and thank...
  2. J

    Who Wants the First Corsa CT4-V Blackwing Exhaust System?

    Ordered a couple of weeks ago! I've seen one or two youtube clips of the sound, but lookin' for more if anyone has any! Once it arrives I'm not sure if I'll wait until spring to get under the car and install it (winter where I live is not super conducive) or take it to a shop and have them do...
  3. J

    Gigs throttle body install, troubleshooting reduced boost pressure

    Final update: Scott from @WONT TAP was spot on! The vacuum line I missed was the one hidden by the black plastic piece the wastegate solenoids are mounted on -- once you put the vacuum assembly back in place that vacuum line is super hidden and I'm not surprised they have a special section in...
  4. J

    Gigs throttle body install, troubleshooting reduced boost pressure

    Another update: So 3 days on and the CEL hasn't thrown again and I'm not getting the "reduced acceleration use caution" msg on the dash at startup. Things feel right, but my boost gauge indicates I'm a VAST majority of the time only hitting 5-6psi of boost, even after 5-10min of driving to...
  5. J

    Gigs throttle body install, troubleshooting reduced boost pressure

    I was literally typing my most recent reply about forgetting the driver's side solenoid when you sent this! lol
  6. J

    Gigs throttle body install, troubleshooting reduced boost pressure

    Another update: I tracked down the part "Q40B Turbocharger Bypass Valve Solenoid - Bank 2" in the GM service manual and it is in fact the electrical connection I forgot to hook up on first start up after installing the TB. I figured this out after the first drive around the block so since then...
  7. J

    Gigs throttle body install, troubleshooting reduced boost pressure

    Update: I went to NAPA and borrowed a scanner (probs right as Eberk was replying). The code is P00C0 "turbocharger bypass valve B controller circuit". According to the GM service manual for the Ct4 (I paid for the 3 day subscription at ACDelco) the code gets thrown when "Control —...
  8. J

    Gigs throttle body install, troubleshooting reduced boost pressure

    Hi all, I just installed the Gigs TB on my 4v BW. As always, the hardest parts were getting plastic pieces to cooperate -- I thought bolts and that sort of stuff were easy to access in the engine bay. Pleasantly surprised! I read through DesertRJ's thread on his installation experience, and am...
  9. J

    Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

    That's why I took the pic! The photo doesn't do justice, they're MASSIVE in person and I love them. There I said it. I LOVE THEM.
  10. J

    Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

    Found a buddy at the post office. Not often I feel envy for the car I park next to! 🏎 Nice spec for a Turbo S...... still take a GT3 over that tho 🤙🤙
  11. J

    Winter Wheels and Tires

    Yep, I don't think you're missing anything. I just want to start with accurate information about what the fitment is on stock wheels and go from there.
  12. J

    Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

    I spent a lot of time hand wringing over whether to drive and park my 4vbw at the airport for two quick weekend trips from Maine --> California. In the end I decided to do it; I bought this car to drive it and enjoy it, not treat it like a museum piece or investment. The parking garage gods...
  13. J

    Winter Wheels and Tires

    Good timing on the revive, I've just started looking for wheels to mount my pa4's on. I've asked my dealership's parts guys about wheel sizes/specs and have been told some different info I've seen on this thread, so I want to check with the forum for confirmation. My dealership tells me: 32mm...
  14. J

    Dealers That Are Not Charging Above MSRP

    Anyone in NE looking for a 4v BW, the Bill Dodge dealership in Westbrook, ME just texted me that they got a build allocation and have until Tuesday to claim it. I went thru them and got MSRP. They did say they do that for local buyers but don't usually like to work with out of staters on cars...
  15. J

    Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

    Lol that's pretty much my exact spec! The tan interior is a great choice with the paint/wheel color combo!
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