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Recent content by doublethebass

  1. doublethebass

    Media dumps

    Legend :beer
  2. doublethebass

    2025 5BW updates

    didn't think about the lighting controls – good call
  3. doublethebass

    2025 5BW updates

    does anybody know if the original front end could be put on a 2025+ car? Order the parts, unbolt the facelift and bolt on the original front end? would everything underneath line up? Thinking that might be best of both worlds - original exterior, new interior
  4. doublethebass

    Pics of your Blackwing in regular parking spots

    How’d it do in the snow
  5. doublethebass

    The Blackwing Spotting Thread

    the plot thickens....
  6. doublethebass

    Alarm goes off for no reason.

    any of you putting in kill switches or anything subtle to break the ignition circuit?
  7. doublethebass

    Alarm goes off for no reason.

    Like a little box or just tin foil or what are you guys using?
  8. doublethebass

    Selling my Blackwing

    the bronze on white looks really sharp
  9. doublethebass

    CT5-V .

    as clear as motor oil, you might say
  10. doublethebass

    Order bank open date 2025 CT5V BW?

    Maybe they’re developing a wagon!?!?
  11. doublethebass

    Coming from 6th Gen Camaro ZL1 to 2023 CT5-V Blackwing

    curious - why the change? How's do they compare?
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