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Recent content by DesertRJ

  1. D

    Replacement Start Stop Button

    Hm, maybe I’ll have to see if I can get a 3D scan of the button pulled out. I might be able to get a friend to cnc it on his machine.
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    CT4-V Does anyone want to work on the LF4?

    Honestly a 7200 rpm redline at stock ish power would be everything I want in this car lol. Power seems perfect for the handling prowess. Maybe a touch more to say 500 wheel horsepower… I’ll be keeping a close eye to see if that becomes a reality. Anyone know if the engine is well enough...
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    Replacement Start Stop Button

    Anyone know of a company that makes an alternative material stop start button? Aluminum or magnesium would be my preference. Would really improve the tactile feel on the car. With the upgraded interior most of the touch points are quite nice. A different button I think would really elevate one...
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    Aerolarri Wheels for CT4 BW

    I use my set for track and autocross. Haven’t had any issues yet. I follow good safety practices and do a full inspection of each wheel for cracks prior to popping them on. So far it all looks good!
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    4 Blackwing Gigs Throttle Body Install

    With increased airflow I'd imagine it'd be even more pronounced is my guess.
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    CT4 V Blackwing Carbon Fiber Drive Shaft

    Carbon Fiber drive shaft in with the differential lock out bushing: I was going in expecting a bit of a change. Maybe nothing noticeable until winding the car fully out. I was not right about that. Coming off the clutch is noticeably smoother without having to pay as much attention. Seems the...
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    4 Blackwing Gigs Throttle Body Install

    I think that depends a bit on your personal risk aversion. If you give no... ducks... about warranty, a tune will probably get you more bang for the buck. If you're aiming to tune the car with a bit more edge and power within the bounds of being unlikely to lose your warranty it's 100% worth it...
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    CT4 V Blackwing Carbon Fiber Drive Shaft

    Thanks! I was wondering if it might just be an accidental auto selection since there wasn’t an explanation. You guys consistently provide good info on why a mod is an improvement.
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    CT4 V Blackwing Carbon Fiber Drive Shaft

    Quick question for @WONT TAP On ordering the CF drive shaft, I see it comes pre-selected with ATS-V shifter bushings. Is that a known upgrade for us Blackwing people? It was common practice in the Porsche crowd to move to GT3 shifter bushings as they were billet aluminum instead of plastic and...
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    CT4-V Boost Pressure

    I'm always gentle during warmup which means it never sees more than 6 lbs of boost until the oil is close to temp. Probably overkill but who knows.
  11. D

    P30EF-00 Code

    Haven't had something like that on my Blacking but in the past that usually indicated too much resistance/voltage going to the fan to spin. Our cars may be more advanced and have a separate sensor but either way sounds like replacement of the sensor/fan assembly under warranty is your best bet.
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    4 Blackwing Gigs Throttle Body Install

    Looking at the difference between the two throttle bodies I am completely unsurprised by the gains. In all the Porsches I've owned in the past the throttle bodies were clearly polished. The stock one in our Blackwings (mine at least) the entrance was still clearly just cast. No cleanup...
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    CT4 V Blackwing Carbon Fiber Drive Shaft

    Haha, fair enough! Sounds like Texas has a great Cadillac scene. New Mexico not so much. I may have mine in about the same time you get yours in that case!
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    CT4 V Blackwing Carbon Fiber Drive Shaft

    @JB5359 What do you think of the CF drive shaft? With how well it seems to be balanced and setup I'd expect even less NVH coming through. Any other things you've noticed, good or bad? I'm about to pull the trigger and thought you might be able to provide us some insight. Lesser designed one...
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    CT4 V Blackwing Carbon Fiber Drive Shaft

    How goes the testing? Hoping to have one fitted before the autocross season gets under way lol
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