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Recent content by Champale

  1. C

    CT4-V CT4VBW vs. Porsche 911 (991 Carrera S) - Am I making a mistake?

    I drove a 2012 Carrera S with PDK several years ago (first year of the 991.1). Underwhelming would be the word that comes to mind. Yes, precise and "perfect" but good grief it did not excite me in the slightest. On the other hand, I drove a 4BW 6sp a week after I took delivery of my 5BW...
  2. C

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    DonD - if you are in San Antonio area, take it over to Blackjack on Huebner. Those guys know how to deal with low profile tires better than anyone else in the area. I would want a plug/patch combo if I were you.
  3. C

    Best mode for moderate to heavy rain?

    The main thing is to be smooth with the gas and steering. From personal experience, you can catch the stability/traction controls napping even in Snow/Ice mode in a 5BW if you hammer the gas in heavy rain.
  4. C

    Does A Radar Detector Help Anymore?

    I am in LA several times/year and my detectors have helped me many times. As for the instant on, normally you are not the first guy they are pointing at so your detector should have been alerting you when the officer was radaring the other cars in front of you. These modern detectors are...
  5. C

    Does A Radar Detector Help Anymore?

    This is going to sound like me being a jerk but I'm not trying to: if you can't see the benfit of a radar, you must not live in an area with much traffic enforcement or you don't actually drive fast enough for it to matter. Also, driving fast in the right lane is a very curious decision...
  6. C

    Upcoming 11 hr drive in 5BW through cold and some rain. Thoughts?

    I would have zero concerns about your trip. The TPC-spec PS4S tires are surprisingly good in cold and wet as long as you aren't hammering the gas. And yes you can put it in some of the softer modes but be aware that you can still catch the traction/stability controls napping if you punch the...
  7. C

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Because if you like sporty cars, you will love a QF!
  8. C

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    Spur of the moment took the afternoon off and met a friend in Lockhart, TX, for BBQ . He has some cool cars, too, and showed up in his Giulia QF. I had test driven one 6 or 7 years ago and really liked it but had forgotten just how rowdy and racy they feel. I got to drive it down a super...
  9. C

    How much of that noise is fake?

    I want a louder dual mode exhaust and no fake noise. I drive adult passengers most days so folding the back seat down or opening the windows all the time doesnt work.
  10. C

    How much of that noise is fake?

    This product was mentioned in a non-BW thread I ran across. Any thoughts on this sort of thing? https://lljcustoms.com/collections/llj-anc-bypass-series
  11. C

    Engine Sound Faked?

    Whoa this is a very interesting development! The 5BW definitely has fake noise and there are other threads about how it is basically impossible to disable without essentially bricking your infotainment but I had never seen anyone discuss this sort of plug. I wonder if it would work.
  12. C

    New from PA, 25 CT5V Blackwing, deep space metallic w/ cf

    Love all of your cars! Especially the Evo! I've owned 3 of them and need another one.
  13. C

    Is the data sharing completely over with?

    Thank you for posting that link. What's not addressed in the formal complaint that I just glanced over was the fact that I and many others expressly opted OUT of the OnStar services when taking delvery of the vehicle only to see them mysteriously be turned ON weeks or months later. It does...
  14. C

    What did you do to your Blackwing today?

    I was joking . . . I am with you about wanting to make sure you know the best method to install.
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