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CareyPJ's latest activity

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    CareyPJ replied to the thread Media dumps.
    Fun stuff! https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a63738290/2025-cadillac-ct5-v-blackwing-lightning-lap-2025/
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    CareyPJ replied to the thread Patch this tire or replace?.
    My Cadillac dealer patched my front flat/leak no charge.
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    CareyPJ commented on CareyPJ's profile post.
    The PDR and the MyCadillac app has it all recorded, whenever we get that follow-up call from the Jim Ellis Service Manager or General...
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    CareyPJ commented on CareyPJ's profile post.
    they took our new CT5-vBW on a joy ride for lunch :( the MyCadillac geoFence alerted us that our car left the premises and was parked in...
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    Jordan Taylor's hotlap at Atlanta Motorsport Park (about 90 seconds into the video) although i like his comment that Road Atlanta is...
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    CareyPJ reacted to sonny200's post in the thread Attempted Theft in Austin with Like Like.
    I installed a Soler Performance Bluetooth Throttle Controller on my C8. The bonus for this controller is I can deactivate the throttle...
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