Home Cadillac V-Series News Cadillac CTS-V Stolen and Crashed – Owner Says “It’s more than a car”

Cadillac CTS-V Stolen and Crashed – Owner Says “It’s more than a car”

by Bradan Donaldson
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Stolen Cadillac CTS-V

Chris Netterville of College Station, Texas was crushed when he found out his Cadillac CTS-V had been stolen and crashed

The Black Diamond Edition Cadillac CTS-V was a rolling memorial to Chris Netterville’s close friend who passed away a short time ago due to a pre-existing heart condition.

His friend, Brandon owned an automotive body and repair shop in town and also owned the exact same Cadillac CTS-V and Chris fell in love with it.  It wasn’t long after Brandon took him for a test drive in the CTS-V that Chris set out on a mission to work and save up for his very own CTS-V.

Chris Netterville and his Black Diamond Edition Cadillac CTS-V

Man, you gotta take me in a test drive in this car. I love it.’ He let me test drive it, and that second I knew it was my dream car. I knew what I wanted

Brandon always encouraged Chris to work hard for what you want and six year ago at the age of 19, Chris finally bought his dream car.

I saved up enough money to buy the car. He respected me for that, and I’ve always looked up to him for that. That’s why I wanted to keep that car as a memory for him.

Sadly, that all came to an end early Sunday morning when Netterville went outside his home to find the CTS-V was gone.  Some distance away, 20-year old Curtis Owens, Jr. was arrested for stealing Netterville’s Cadillac and crashing it into another vehicle on the road.

Chris Netterville's stolen and crashed Cadillac CTS-V

“It’s heartbreaking man,” Netterville said. “I worked my butt off for it in high school and saved up as much money as I could and bought my dream car, and it just sucks to see something you worked for so hard gone in seconds.”

“I told his family I wanted to keep that car as a memorial of him because we had the same car. We both loved our Cadillacs man,” Netterville said. “And now it’s gone, and now I can’t keep it. It’s more than a car.”

Hopefully Chris will own another Cadillac CTS-V one day and continue to keep the memory of his close friend alive.

Source: KBTX

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