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Help! Suggestions Needed for Low Profile SA2020 Helmet

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Seasoned Member
Mar 25, 2023
V-Series Cadillac(s)?
'22 CT4-V Blackwing MT
My Roux hits the sunroof, even with the seat reclined due to my long torso.

Any suggestions for a comfortable low profile design? Built-in mic would be a bonus.

Thank you!
I am 6'4" and had that problem when I was shopping for my 6th Gen Camaro. I wanted Stilo, but it was too tall.

I found the Arai GP-J3 (open face) and Arai GP-6S M6 fit my head and the car perfectly. The BW5 is a little taller than the Camaro, so fitment hasn't been a problem.
Thank you. Did your Camaro have a sunroof?
Good to know. I didn't have height issues with my 2019 ZLE non-sunroof and Roux helmet. I had about 2 inches of clearance in my preferred driving position; wrists resting on top of wheel with seat slightly reclined. I would have liked more but that's the minimum for me when it comes to hitting the roof on rough tracks like Sebring.

Based on how used car values are dropping with our cars, I'm going to take too much of a financial hit trying to trade the car for one without a sunroof so I'm looking into a racing seat and harness bar.

Any suggestions?
I'm 6ft and in the 4BW with sunroof I have now my HJC helmet is like 1/4-1/2 inch from the roof depending on the clothes I wear.

In every other car I've been that had similar clearance I was always hitting my head and couldn't wait to get out. In the 4BW I lock the seat belt pretty hard and hardly make contact.

My next 6MT 4BW was ordered without sunroof tough.

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